1219: Forgot password workflow
Test Case #:1219 | Test Case Name: Forgot password workflow |
System: openLMIS | Subsystem: blue |
Test case designed by: Lucyna Laska | Design Date:16.01.2017 |
Short description:
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Create user. URL: Method: PUT Body: {
| |
2 | Click into "Forgot password?" link on UI. | The Forgot Password view is displayed. |
3 | Type the incorrect email (Without @) | The wrong password is provided. |
4 | Type the incorrect email with wrong domain | The wrong password is provided. |
5 | Type just a string. | The wrong password is provided. | |
6 | Try to send the reset password link when email is not entered. | It's not possible to click SUBMIT button when Email field is empty. |
7 | Type the email which is not assigned with any created user. | It is not possible to send the reset password link to the email address which is not associated with any created user. |
8 | Type the proper email address. | The reset password link has been successfully send to the provided email address. |
9 | Check if the email with reset password link has been send to the provided email address. | The email has been sent to user. | |
10 | Click into reset password link/copy-paste the link into web browser. | The reset password view should be seen. | |
11 | Type the new password in "New password" field and not the same password as before to "Re-enter new password" field. | The password and re-entered password should be the same. | |
12 | Enter the password with 8 or more characterictics but without number. | It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number. | |
13 | Enter the password only with numbers ( >=8). | It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number. | |
14 | Enter the password with less than 8 characterictis and 1 number. | It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number. | |
15 | Do not enter the password at all (or type the new password but do not repeat it). | It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number. | |
16 | Try to enter only white white space. | It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number. | |
17 | Try to enter only white space and 1 number. | It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number. | |
18 | Try to enter the correct password (with at least 8 characterictics and 1 number). | The password has been successfully reset. When user clicks on anything, main view with loogging in should be seen. | |
19 | Try to log in with new password. | User has been successfully logged in. | |
20 | Try to reset password on the old reset password link when the new link for reset password has been send. | It's not possible to reset password using the old reset password link. |
Post – conditions: |
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