1219: Forgot password workflow

1219: Forgot password workflow

Test Case #:1219

Test Case Name: Forgot password workflow


Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Lucyna Laska

Design Date:16.01.2017

Short description

  • Workflow steps are actionable as specified
  • A user's email address is checked for validity (ie has '@' symbol & ect) in the browser before being sent to the server — an inline form error is shown if not valid
  • A user's new password is checked on client side that it was successfully re-entered — an inline form error is shown if not valid
  • A user's new password is checked to meet the password formatting guidelines before being sent to the OpenLMIS server — an inline error is shown if not valid
  • Any returned server error is displayed as a success alert modal


Pre – conditions:






Expected system response



Create user.


Method: PUT


"username": "tester",
"firstName": "Admin",
"lastName": "Admin",
"email": "testowysoldevelo@gmail.com",
"timezone": "CET",
"verified": true,
"active": true,
"loginRestricted": false





Click into "Forgot password?" link on UI.

 The Forgot Password view is displayed.



 Type the incorrect email (Without @)

 The wrong password is provided.



Type the incorrect email with wrong domain 

 The wrong password is provided.



Type just a string. 

 The wrong password is provided.



Try to send the reset password link when email is not entered. 

 It's not possible to click SUBMIT button when Email field is empty.



Type the email which is not assigned with any created user. 

 It is not possible to send the reset password link to the email address which is not associated with any created user.



                Type the proper email address.                                

 The reset password link has been successfully send to the provided email address.


9Check if the email with reset password link has been send to the provided email address.

The email has been sent to user.

10Click into reset password link/copy-paste the link into web browser.

The reset password view should be seen.

11Type the new password in "New password" field and not the same password as before to "Re-enter new password" field.

The password and re-entered password should be the same.

12Enter the password with 8 or more characterictics but without number.

It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number.

13Enter the password only with numbers ( >=8).

It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number.

14Enter the password with less than 8 characterictis and 1 number.

It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number.

15Do not enter the password at all (or type the new password but do not repeat it).

It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number.

16Try to enter only white white space.

It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number.

17Try to enter only white space and 1 number.

It's not possible to change the password using this combination of characters. The new password must contain at least 8 characters and 1 number.

18Try to enter the correct password (with at least 8 characterictics and 1 number).

The password has been successfully reset. When user clicks on anything, main view with loogging in should be seen.

19Try to log in with new password.

User has been successfully logged in.

20Try to reset password on the old reset password link when the new link for reset password has been send.

It's not possible to reset password using the old reset password link.



Post – conditions:

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