[SELV/SIIL] CCE: Add/Delete CCE in Facility Equipment List

[SELV/SIIL] CCE: Add/Delete CCE in Facility Equipment List

Target releaseVaccine Module

OLMIS-432 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Document status
Document owner




  • The goals of this requirements page is to document the user stories specifically related to the "Add CCE to Facility" feature. This feature fits within the CCE Reporting and Management epic ( OLMIS-571 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) for the vaccine module and requires a full set of user stories to support development. 
  • While very high-level features were outlined for inclusion in the vaccine module, this page and its sister requirements pages will be used to capture information, stories, background, and processes for the much more specific features.
  • Each of these specific features requirements pages should include a business process map to help illustrate the user, system, and administrative aspects of this feature. Not all pieces of the map will translate to specific user stories (e.g. some processes in the map will not involve interaction with the system) but it is still important for us to understand the SOPs that we need to be supporting with this work.
  • Scope: This feature should include stories on:
    • User processes around viewing CCE catalog and indicating which equipment is at that facility.
    • User processes around adding device-specific information to the facility equipment list. (e.g. serial number, brand, vendor)
    • User processes around deleting CCE from facility list
    • Configuration of pages related to "Add CCE" functionality (e.g. viewing available CCE catalog, UX for user selecting CCE, entering specific info on device to be added)
    • ...
  • Out of scope for this feature (covered by another page):
    • Creating CCE catalog
    • Managing CCE alarms & reporting
    • Viewing CCE status
    • Add CCE that is not in designated catalog (see Open Questions below)
    • ...

Country Background

Are there any country-specific details about this feature that should be noted?


  • The user who sets the CCE catalog is not the same user who adds the equipment info per facility
  • There is a set catalog that an administrator has already created within the system
  • ...

User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1Add CCE from catalogAs a CCE technician, I need to select equipment from the existing CCE catalog so that I can create a list of specific CCE at each facility.SELVMust Have
2Add specific equipment infoAs a CCE technician, I need to add device-specific information for each piece of CCE so that I can have a full record of each CCE at the facilitySELVMust Have
3Configure "Edit Equipment Info" PageAs the system administrator, I need to determine which pieces of device-specific information will be required for each CCE added at the facility level so that a detailed CCE record is created for each facility.SELVMust Have