2017-02-13 Meeting notes

2017-02-13 Meeting notes




  • Analysis done for Panda Sprint 4 stories

Discussion items


30 min

OLMIS-625 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Shiyu Jin (Deactivated)
  • Assumption clarification
  • Calculation rule clarification
  • Permission clarification
 20 min Complete stories discussion Brandon Bowersox-Johnson 
10 minWhat open questions should we raise on the PC call?

Mock ups

Email outlining status of completed stories:



Whats done

Whats to do



Allow Implementer to configure the stock card layout

The API work so the implementer can configure it via sending a valid request to the API 


We might need a UI page to do this but that is not decided yet and that UI page function should be a separate JIRA ticket


Tech task - add service to ReadTheDocs





Tech task - change version





Improvement - validate facility ID and program ID 

check the reference data validation for OLMIS-706


This is a new ticket created based on showcase feedback


Configure destinations to stock line items

Adding new desintations/source into system via sql

API request validation and UI page

This is part of the API story OLMIS-633 and OLMIS-632 because it does not have validation rule. It should have another story for the UI page. 


Assign reasons to a specific program and facility combination

Assigning new reasons into system via sql

Validation and UI page

This is part of the API story OLMIS-629, OLMIS-630, OLMIS-1440 because it only allows sql instead of an API request. It should have another story for the UI page. 


Create new stock card and stock line items

Creating new stock card and stock line items when received an API request

Validation and UI page

We create a new story OLMIS-1633 for the stock card line item validation because it is very complex. Moreover, because we don’t have the UI design yet so we need another UI ticket when the UI design is done.


Configure the full reason list for stock line items

Adding new reasons into system via sql

API request validation and UI page

This is part of the API story OLMIS-633 and OLMIS-632 because it does not have validation rule. It should have another story for the UI page. 


Enent centric design

Add the stock event concept into system


This is origin design of the event centric mechanism and after discussion with Josh we create another story OLMIS-1862 to update the table structure

Action items

  • Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) update the meeting request to Wednesday AM China time (US has a holiday on Monday)
  • Update documentation that implementers MUST conduct an initial physical stock count or something if they want to see a full list of facility type approved product
  • Create a story (OLMIS-1931, OLMIS-1932) for looking at the bin card (with SOH) for a certain date (for example, a user can query what the SOH looked liked on Feb 1 even though it is Feb 2 and may look different given the distributed system)
  • Will the requisition group hierarchy apply to the stock management permission (Open question #30)
  • Potentially discuss Stock Mangement permissions and Physical inventory schedules with to PC for review and input
  • Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated), Josh ZamorBrandon Bowersox-Johnson to review the above table and weigh in or point out things if I find anything
  • Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) and Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) to create a new story for the Administrator to update the template for viewing stock cards (OLMIS-706)
  • Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to mock up a way to see the reversals.

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