Sprint 20

Sprint 20

16 Feb 2017 - 1 Mar 2017


Release OpenLMIS 3.0.0! For details, see Backlog Grooming Sprint 20

Process Improvements

Retrospectives from the past inform what we want to improve during this sprint.

Team ILL: 

We did not hold a retrospective about sprint 19 and plan improvements during sprint 20; instead of that one, we had a review conversation about the whole 3.0 Re-Architecture project to date. The images above are from the retrospective at the end of Sprint 20.

Teams AYIC/TOP: see the 16 Feb retrospective in the /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/98172932 


We accomplished 232.5 story points, 16 by Team ILL and 216.5 by Teams AYIC/ToP. See Burn-up for 3.0 Release for details.


Video: OpenLMIS End of Sprint Showcase-20170301 1506-1.arf

The following 102 tickets were completed this sprint and covered at the showcase: 

key summary type status

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software