2017-03-07 Day Two: Stock Management Workshop

2017-03-07 Day Two: Stock Management Workshop




  • Identify all personas relate to the stock management service
  • Define the user journey of a typical storeroom clerk

Discussion items

1.5 hoursIdentify&explain personas
  • Add one more persona - warehouse clerk to the existing JIRA personas
  • There was robust conversation about the personas
  • You can review the current list of personas here.
  • We will digitize notes and update the personas later.
 3 hours Define user journey of a typical storeroom clerk All
  • Physical inventory
  • Adjustments (internal to the storeroom)
  • Create order from Stock Management
  • "Transfers" involving another party, aka Receiving/Issuing. Lots of discussion around the parties involved (Not in OpenLMIS, Within OpenLMIS and stock enabled, Within OpenLMIS and stock not enabled)
    • Issue without an order or prompt within OpenLMIS
    • Receive without an issue/transfer/prompt within OpenLMIS
    • Receive from a POD (generated from a requsition → Order)
    • Receive from an issue within OpenLMIS (added later and not pictured)

Each team dug into the details of each user journey. TW team asked questions and will work on digitizing the pictures below later.



Create an order from stock management

Physical inventory

Transfers (Issue/receiving)

Action items


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