2017-03-09 Day Four: Stock Managment Workshop




Discussion items

User stories 101


  • universally understood and providing customer value
  • prevents waste (not from the system prespective)
  • minimum overhead - simple and flexible
  • effective teams

Three Cs

  • Card, confirmation (acceptance criteria, determine done), Conversation (mockups, requirements, etc)

Nutshell : As a <role> i want to <business goal> So that ....<why it is being built? value>

INVEST; independent, negotiable, valuable, estimable, small, testable

Appropriate order : Valuable, testable, small, independent, negotiable, estimable

What is in a story?

  • as a , i want, so that
  • Acceptance criteria
    • Give <context>, When <event>, Then <outcome>
    • for all scenarios 'happy path' and 'edge cases' and 'unhappy path'
  • prototype
  • user interface design
  • other text/images/context to provide context

Phases of the User Story

  1. Vision workshop - basic user story 'As a ... I want to.... so that ... "*
  2. Iteration planning - add the rough idea of design (start estimating)
  3. Just-in-time for development - ACs are populated prior to development

Splitting Stories: Vertically versus horizontally

Stories are always evolving, not static.

Story life-cycle (Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) to insert photo of workflow)


Story list:

TitleDescriptionUserFunctional AreaOrigin JIRA ticketsQuestions/NotesDependencyTypeCommentsAssumption (s)
Create new physical inventory schedule and periodAs an admin I want to create new physical inventory schedule so that I can assign laterSystem AdminPhysical InventoryOLMIS-1145UI? Frequency and periodReference data: scheduleUser Story
Reference data UI cannot be used
Assign physical inventory schedule to facility type and programAs an admin I want to create new physical inventory schedule so that I can assign laterSystem AdminPhysical InventoryOLMIS-1145One physical inventory schedule for one facility type and program combination?
User Story
Unassign physical inventory scheduleAs an admin I want to detach assigned physical inventory schedule with facility type and program combination so that I can adapt to new policySystem AdminPhysical InventoryOLMIS-1145

User Story

Remove physical inventory sheduleAs an admin I want to remove physical inventory schedule so that I can corret my mistake if it happensSystem AdminPhysical InventoryOLMIS-1145

User Story
Reference data handle it
Generate due physical inventory notificationAs xx I want to receive notification so that I would know when I need to do the physical inventoryxxPhysical InventoryOLMIS-695Who would receive this notification? Define when to trigger the notification and in which way. Notification service will handle the displayDependency on close-out time, notification serviceUser Story
Assume no need to configure how many days in advace
Ignore/Dimiss the physical inventory notificationAs xx I want to ignore the physical inventory notification so that I would not do a duplicate notificationxxPhysical InventoryOLMIS-695How long will this dismiss last? One day or one period. Notification service handle this
User Story
Reference data will handle it
Physical Inventory list pageAs a storeroom clerk I want to view my physical inventory for a specific program so that I can create an open physical inventoryStoreroom ClerkPhysical Inventory
Including program search.
User StoryIt also set up the physical inventory mode

we may need to change event model, right now they are independent, we may need to group them.

New Physical inventory pageAs a storeroom clerk I want to fill my physical inventory so that I can record the physical inventory amountStoreroom ClerkPhysical InventoryOLMIS-532
Either notification or the homepage, but if it is the first physical inventory page then it is 13User Story
Pagination? Non stock cards orderable will be listed out?
Save draft physical inventory page
Storeroom ClerkPhysical InventoryOLMIS-532

User Story
support offline
View one physical inventory page
Storeroom ClerkPhysical Inventory

User Story

Print single physical inventory page
Storeroom ClerkPrint

User Story
Generating PDF
Submit physical inventory stock
Storeroom ClerkPhysical InventoryOLMIS-532Update SOH and create adjustment stock event
User Story

Integating with requisition service: populate data from physical inventory to requisition
Storeroom ClerkIntegrartion with Requisition

User Story
Should be requisition service done
Stock Management Overview/Homepage
Storeroom ClerkHomepageOLMIS-647It could be navigation bar or a single page with different buttons
User Story

Orderable dropdown list

including orderables without stock cards
Program dropdown list

Home facility supported program
Facility dropdown list

I select my managed facilities
Choose orderables page: adjustment
Storeroom ClerkAdjustmentOLMIS-19Sort, search, multi-selection function. Should allow search facility? If yes, what facilties can be selected? Any orderables can be selectedHomepage or the expiration notificationUser Story
Homepage or the expiration notification
Make adjustment
Storeroom ClerkAdjustmentOLMIS-19Quantity, date validation?
User StorySupport Lot UI
View single stock card
Storeroom ClerkView

Story templateUser Story
Report as process data and occurred date selection?Pagination
View SOH summary
Storeroom ClerkView

Homepage?User Story
Sort, filter, search function. Including both process data and occurred date selection
Print single stock card
Storeroom ClerkPrint
Download PDF

If it is not the first print story then it should be 3, otherwise it is 5
Issuer view receiver's notification
Storeroom ClerkReceive
Not confirm how to do it
User Story

Issuer confirm receiver's notification
Storeroom ClerkReceive
Not confirm how to do it
User Story

Issuer Update receiver's notification
Storeroom ClerkReceive
Not sure what will happen
User Story

Issuer Reject notification
Storeroom ClerkReceive
Not sure what will happen
User Story

Initial page for Receive
Storeroom ClerkReceiveOLMIS-634Sort, search, multi-selection function. Select source. Should allow search facility? If yes, what facilties can be selected?HomepageUser StoryIncluding select orderables, sourceNot support lot to be selected but lot information will be displayed on the make issue page
Make receive
Storeroom ClerkReceiveOLMIS-634

User Story
Support lot
View and input lot information
Storeroom ClerkLot feature
Can I add new lot?Lot featureUser Story

Review receive stock events
Storeroom ClerkReceiveOLMIS-634Update the SOH at front-end
User Story

Submit receive stock events
Storeroom ClerkReceiveOLMIS-634backend calculation
User Story

Genarate/send notification to issuer
Storeroom ClerkReceive
When to send that notification and in which way?Submit receive stock event, close-out dateUser Story

Receiver confirm issuer's notification
Storeroom ClerkReceive
Auto-create an receive event, assume somehting has been done
User Story

Receiver update issuer's notification
Storeroom ClerkReceive
Not sure what will happen, something has been done on the issue side
User Story

Receiver reject notification
Storeroom ClerkReceive
Not sure what will happen
User Story

Initial page: Issue
Storeroom ClerkIssueOLMIS-635
HomepageUser Story
Not support lot to be selected but lot information will be displayed on the make issue page
Make issue
Storeroom ClerkIssueOLMIS-635

User Story
Support lot
Review issue stock events page
Storeroom ClerkIssueOLMIS-635

User Story

Submit issue stock events
Storeroom ClerkIssueOLMIS-635

User Story

Genarate/send notification to receiver
Storeroom ClerkIssue
When to send that notification and in which way? Somehting is doneSubmit issue stock eventUser Story

Receive a POD
Storeroom ClerkReceiveOLMIS-1435

User Story
Fulfillment service will handle it
View a POD
Storeroom ClerkReceive

User Story
Fulfillment service will handle it
Confirm a POD
Storeroom ClerkReceiveOLMIS-615

User Story
Fulfillment service will handle it
Update a POD
Storeroom ClerkReceive

User Story
Fulfillment service will handle it
Reject a POD
Storeroom ClerkReceive

User Story
Fulfillment service will handle it
Set up close-out time
System AdminConfiguration

User Story
may be more than a specific time
Create new reasons
System AdminConfiguration

User Story

Create new organizations
System AdminConfiguration

User Story

Assign reasons
System AdminConfiguration

User Story

Assign desinations/sources
System AdminConfiguration

User Story

Detach assigned reasnons
System AdminConfiguration

User Story

Detach assigned destination/sources
System AdminConfiguration

User Story

Turn on/off lot feature
System AdminConfiguration

User Story
Only a configuration for system admin
Trigger low stock notification
System AdminConfiguration
When to trigger itMinimum stock and close out dateUser Story

Trigger stock out notification
System AdminConfiguration
When receive via what
User Story

Define minimum stock level formula
System AdminConfigurationOLMIS-978

User Story

Archive reasons
System AdminConfiguration

User Story

Archive organizations
System AdminConfiguration

Handle the archive of reference data: facility, lot, tradeitem...
System AdminConfiguration

Create new lot
System AdminConfiguration
Should reference data handle it? If yes, which service will handle the stock card creation
User Story

Update lot
System AdminConfiguration
Will reference data handle this?
User Story

Archive lot
System AdminConfiguration
Will reference data handle this?
User Story

Permission Management


User Story
Reference data will handle the rights/role
Caculate AMC
Storeroom ClerkConfiguration

User Story
get it from reference data?
Data correction
Storeroom ClerkData correction

User Story
Two ways to correct data
Using requisition data to create stock event
Unsure what to do
User Story

Stock Card query interface:commoditytype

GS1 Standard

Technical task
GS1 is done in reference data
Stock Card query interface:tradeitem

GS1 Standard

Technical task
GS1 is done in reference data
Stock Card restructure:lot

Lot feature

Technical taskthis is end to end impact to all existing stock events/cards/line items. including processing, persisting and reading and recalculatingAssumption: lot information coming from reference data service
Redesign resons

Technical update

Technical task

Stock Management Approval1. Add functionality to have an approver sign off on an Audit/Verification. Stores often have monthly/periodic audits - usually around physical stock counts - where a second person approves/verifies the SOH on the system.

2. If an adjustment (damages/expiries/phy stock count, etc.) exceeds certain %, require an explanation or note for why the adjustment was that large.

Approve ProcessOLMIS-1620

User Story

Stock Management notificationany SOH update will send out an notification

User Story

[UI] Configure stock card templateThis is the UI part

User Story

Recall stock

Lot featureOLMIS-1116

User Story

Report recalled stock

Lot featureOLMIS-1429

User Story

Available SOH and SOH


Technical task

Update the stock card template if GS1 applies


User StoryLot, tradeitem would introduce more fields
Validate negative SOH


User Story

Using the current UI tool to build a 'Hello world' page


User Story

Update the table structure of stock event and stock line items

Technical update

Technical task

Configure expiry notification


User Story

Action items


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