2017-03-14 Meeting notes

2017-03-14 Meeting notes




Discussion items


Meeting time

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

Shiyu Jin (Deactivated)

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

  • Regular analysis meeting time will be 8am Tuesday China time, 5pm Monday Seattle time
  • Showcase meeting time needs to be update, it needs to be confirmed with Panda team member
30 mins

  OLMIS-2086 - Getting issue details... STATUS

 Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

Shiyu Jin (Deactivated)

  • For question 2, option3 within any subset is preferred but TW needs to provide the design and the efforts to help VR make decision
  • For question 3, OpenLMIS should allow end user to choose either only one program, or multiple programs. TW needs to provide the efforts to support the multiple programs
  • For question 4, there will be two dates. One is the process date when submit the physical inventory and there is another date occurred date which will be the selected date by end user after he submits the physical inventory. Both date will applied to all physical inventory products
  • As for the use case when there is an adjustment happened during the draft physical inventory time, system should provide a navigation to end user to the adjustment page if user needs to do the adjustment

Action items

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