Program Data Example: VIMS IVD Form

Program Data Example: VIMS IVD Form


In VIMS/Tanzania, the IVD form is a multi-tab form that is filled out for each facility once per period. The form contains numerous kinds of data: Disease Surveillance, Vaccination Coverage, Stock Status (similar to a Requisition), Cold Chain Equipment status, and more.

Screenshots below are from the VIMS training server in April 2017, thanks to access provided by Elias Muluneh. This was gathered as part of work on planning Program Data for OpenLMIS 3, see https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/OLMIS-2246. Some links are to the VIMS wiki; contact Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) if you need access.


Tab 1: Targets

This tab is all pre-filled and read-only based on population and demographic numbers that are pre-set in the system. See VIMS Wiki for the process of establishing these targets: https://elmis-tzm.atlassian.net/wiki/display/VIMS/Annual+target+setting+process+and+vaccine+need+forecasting. The only field filled out on this screen appears to be the date field.

Tab 2: Surveillance

This column just has 6 blank input fields. However, the "cumulative" columns appear to display a cumulative total based on previous time periods (last 12 months or year-to-date). That sort of functionality would not be part of a generic form-building tool. That cumulative total functionality would also be more challenging offline.

Tab 3: Vaccinations Coverage

This large form collects counts of patients who received each dose of each vaccine. It all starts with Zeros, so this part of the form is generic and static.

The Immunization Sessions box appears to be a live calculator. The two right-hand fields are live calculations based on the left fields. This kind of functionality would also not usually be available in a generic form data collection tool. That said, it's possible that the form could be re-designed to remove the live calculations.

Tab 4: Vitamin A Supplementation

This part of the form has a simple calculator to add 2 columns and display the total on the right:

Tab 5: Stock Status

The Stock section of the form is roughly equivalent to the Requisition functionality in OpenLMIS version 3. The Opening Balance and Stock on Hand columns are all pre-populated from the latest data in the system. Many of the columns have calculations based on preceding columns. This complex form would likely never be powered by a generic form data collection tool; instead this type of functionality would be powered by OpenLMIS with any implementation-specific customizations.

The drop-out-rates below the table are live calculations based on the data in the Vaccinations Coverage (tab 3). The percentages are displayed here to help inform the user.

Tab 6: Cold Chain

Temperature status is collected for each Cold Chain Equipment (CCE) that is already managed in the system. The status column is a short drop-down of choices. The temperature and alarm fields are simply static data collection.

This part of the IVD form is a strong candidate for being powered by the OpenLMIS software, or by an integration with Cold Chain software, but not a candidate for a generic form data collection tool.

Tab 7: Adverse Effects

This tab uses a modal to "add" rows to a list of adverse effect. But this is essentially a generic, static data capture form that could be powered by any form tool.


Data collected on the IVD forms is available for the reporting tools available in VIMS. This includes the reports (samples below), but also the Dashboards (see Dashboards screenshots). The reports also allow CSV export for working with data in outside tools.

This is the Reporting menu:

The IVD Cold Chain Report:

The Timeliness Report:


  • Simple Data Collection: About 50% of the IVD form appears to be static data collection that does not need to tie into outside data fields. The other 50% represent important features—CCE, Targets/Population, Stock balances—that are appropriate for interactive software and not a candidate for the kinds of simple forms that could be edited/customized by non-tech staff. Specifically, tabs 7, 3, and parts of tabs 2 and 4 could be powered by a simple, static data collection form tool.
  • Calculators: A few tabs of the forms above include live calculators to show percentages or totals based on other fields entered.
  • Layouts including Tables: Most of the layouts here are tabular for data collection. So a form-building tool that supports tables would be important.
  • Workflow: It appears the IVD Form goes through a workflow similar to OpenLMIS version 3 Requisitions: Initiated, Draft, Submitted, Approved. It also appears to be based on a monthly reporting period schedule.
  • Reporting: This data is available for reporting, dashboard and exports.

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