Program Data Example: Regimens in V2
OpenLMIS version 2 also has a Regimen Template feature. This feature provides a drag-and-drop administrative UI that powered a "Regimens" tab of the R&R form. It is used for tracking different regimens associated with ART (anti-retroviral therapy) for HIV/TB patients.
Screenshots below are from Version 2 as of April 2017.
Regimens Tab on R&R Form
When the Regimens feature is configured, the "Regimens" tab becomes visible on the R&R form for staff who initiate and submit a Requisition:
There are actually 10 different fields that are available (can be turned on/off by admins). Four fields are used above, just one field is used in the template here below:
The fields have validation to require non-negative integers only:
Configure Regimens Template — Reporting Fields
An administrator uses the admin UI to choose which of the fields are visible and drag them into order:
Configure Regimens Template — Regimens
This part of the Admin UI provides the ability to add and edit any Regimen, meaning its Code and Name and Active/Inactive status. Regimens are broken down by Adult, Child, Infant:
Fill out the top form to add a new Regimen, or click Edit to edit an existing one within the table:
These Regimen Fields and Regimen Template configurations are made on a per-program basis.
Navigate to these under Configure > Regimen Template > Program.
- Workflow: This Regimens tab is part of the R&R workflow. It goes along with the R&R through statuses (Initiated, Submitted, Authorized, Approved).
- Fields to Choose From: The Regimens functionality seems to have a specific group of fields built in, however they don't have significant business logic tied to them. They are just optional fields for data collection.
(Note: Previous versions of this page did include a screenshot of EPI for informed push, but that is now covered in depth by the other wiki pages in this folder.)