[DISC] Reporting Domain: CCE KPIs

[DISC] Reporting Domain: CCE KPIs

Target release

Vaccine Module

EpicReporting Domain
Document status
Document owner
Technical LeadTechnical Lead who reviews or supports document


    • This page captures the KPIs needed for the Reporting Domain, pertaining to CCE.
    • This only captures KPIs as per global standards (DISC Guidance) and not the KPIs that might be used at country level or the custom reports required by specific users to support their workflow (Captured elsewhere).


Are there any country specific features that should be noted? Who are the personas? Who are the users that will be interacting with this functionality? What are their challenges, responsibilities, and level of connectivity? These personas are intended to be representative archetypes of the key stakeholders who will participate in theses workflows/scenarios. 


  • What are technical or business specific details and characteristics that should be known to explain the environment? List the assumptions you have such as user, technical or other business assumptions. (e.g. users will primarily access this features from a tablet).

User Stories

Short, simple description of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system.

#TitleUser StoryUser Persona (how often)DefinitionLabelImportanceNotes
1Functionality Status of CCE
As (multiple users), I want to see the percentage of time the CCE in my facility/district/province/country is working so that I can better understand potency implications for the vaccines that are stored in them.

Percentage of cold chain equipment (CCE) operable for vaccine storage of the overall number of commissioned CCE devices in a particular area at a point in time or over a particular time period. CCE is defined as all refrigerators, fixed passive storage devices, and walk-in cold rooms and freezers designated for storing vaccines.DISCMust Have
  • This indicator measures operational cold chain equipment to identify risk of inadequate cold storage for maintaining potent vaccines. Used for operational and strategic purposes such as to ensure that vaccines are appropriately stored (e.g. to target deployment of repair/maintenance services) and to plan for replacement (e.g. to identify equipment in need of replacement).

2Temperature AlarmsAs a______ I want to see low and high temperature alarms so that I can be aware of temperature issues within the CCE chain that I supervise/manage/monitor.
Number of times the temperature inside cold chain equipment (CCE) exceeds or drops below a reference range. The indicator is applicable where vaccines are stored and during transportation. CCE is defined as all refrigerators, freezers, fixed passive storage devices, transport vehicles, and walk-in cold rooms and freezers designated for storing vaccines.DISCMust HaveUsed as a proxy for measuring vaccine potency and safety.  Exposure to temperatures outside this range indicates a risk of heat or freeze damage to sensitive vaccines.

Calculations, Data Needed, Data Sources

KPICalculationsData NeededData Sources
Functionality Status

% CCE functioning = (# functioning CCE devices) / (total # CCE devices designated for use) x 100%


Both the numerator and the denominator should be collected from the same geographic area, and decommissioned equipment should not be counted in either the numerator or denominator.

Number of CCE devices designated for storing vaccines (including refrigerators, freezers, passive storage devices, walk-in cold rooms and walk-in freezers) in a particular geographical area.

Functional status of each CCE: Functioning/Awaiting Repair/Unserviceable.

Primary reason for not functioning or not in use: Needs Spare Parts/ No Finance/ No Fuel/ Surplus/ Dead/ Not Applicable.

Cold chain equipment inventories lists by location.

On-site assessment of equipment functioning.

Maintenance worksheet.

CCE distribution plan.

Temperature Alarms

Temperature alarm rate = number of high and low temperature alarms per reporting period

The number of excursions or alarms outside of the designated temperature ranges is needed. This can be determined in two ways: (a) simplistic calculation of alarms by checking the temp log maintained by staff with records twice a day OR (2) remote temperature monitoring devices that continously monitor CCE and send alarms for temperature excursions and have automated reporting built in. Alarm thresholds are set by WHO:

• An excursion is defined as any event during which the temperature inside the CCE goes below 2° C or above 8° C.

• A high temperature alarm is defined as any event during which the temperature goes above 8° C for 10 continuous hours.

• A low temperature alarm is defined as any event during which the temperature goes below -0.5° C for 1 continuous hour.

Continuous temperature recording devices, including 30-day temperature recorders [RTMs].

High/low temperature alarms (built into CCE or temperature monitoring devices).

Manual recording of high/low temp alarms via a paper log maintained twice a day.

Proof of Delivery (POD) for measuring temperature during transit if a temperature recording device is included.


Include any business process mapping, mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements. Describes the tasks and the personas who perform those activities. The diagram provides the context for the user stories and serves as a focal point for achieving clarity and agreement among stakeholders. Looks like a standard flow chart.


Identify initial dependencies that are on the critical path for this functionality and may affect the delivery time and serving of business goals. Include links to stories.

Name of story or release Link to JIRA

Open Questions

Initial communication between stakeholders and the development team to help understand scope and estimates.

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached Open, In Progress, Closed, and date of closure

Out of Scope

    • List the features discussed which are out of scope or might be revisited in a later release. 

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