Component Leads in Microservices
Component Leads in Microservices
Micro service Boundaries
- separate applications (think products over projects, unix dumb pipes and smart endpoints)
- right boundary (e.g. fulfillment having an external id - the requisition id?)
- component lead responsible for enforcing, how?
- sometimes difficult to draw the line in the sand?
- tight timelines / identify problems ahead of time?
- how does the component lead define the product boundary?
- Architect should lay out the high-level responsibilities
- Component leads will escalate questions by posting to the dev forum
- how does the process work between microservices?
- if it involves another component, we need to involve that component lead:
- release cylce / version
- boundry discussion
- if it involves another component, we need to involve that component lead:
- component lead responsible for enforcing, how?
- looking over bugs
- new features / requests from other component leads
- what do I need from other components
Open Questions:
- Do we need dual component leads between Seattle and Poland?
- if yes how do we coordinate, how do we get SolDevelo component leads more involved in grooming?
Next steps?
- group ui and backend into components
- what is next to work on? and who? https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/29G1Bg
- component leads starting to create new tickets for other component leads to look at
, multiple selections available,
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