E. Notifications & Alerts

E. Notifications & Alerts

Target release3.2

Document status
Document owner
Tech Lead


  • The goals of this requirements page is to document the user stories specifically related to the "Create CCE Catalog" feature. 
  • Scope: This feature should include stories on:


insert discussions during the workshop which are relevant to note. List participants.


  • insert

User Stories

List out the user stories under the activity. Put the "next up" under the Out of Scope section.

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotesJIRA Ticket

Nonfunctional CCE alert

As a DIVO I want to receive a text message/System notification when a refrigerator at my District Vaccine Stores (DVS) becomes non-functional So that I can make sure that a repair technician is dispatched

As a CCE technician I want to receive a text message/System notification when a refrigerator at my supervised facilities becomes non-functional So that I can make sure that I can plan my visit there.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. When a CCE becomes non-functional, DIVO/CCE technician receives a SMS notification. "<model> from facility <x> has been changed from functional to non-functional"

  2. DIVO and RIVO receives email every week with list of non-functional refrigerators (either in the body of the email, or as an attachment)

  3. For each non-functional refrigerator, the following info is displayed
    Facility's District, Facility Name, Manufacturer, Model, Non-Functional Reason, Days in Non-Functional Status, Refrigerator Capacity, Energy Source

  4. List is sorted by Days in Non-Functional Status descending

  5. Checkbox that Region/District has scheduled repairman

  6. DIVO/RIVO is the one to change status back to functional

  7. System should track how long it takes to fix from request

    Possibility of using repair date reported by technician rather than DIVO/RIVO changing the functional status


OLMIS-2913 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2Nearing max capacity alertAs a DIVO, I want an alert when the CCE capacity at a facility within my district is nearing max capacity so that I can take that information into account when I am preparing resupply (pickup/delivery) for that facility.
Next0 votes
3Maintenance downtime alertAs a DIVO, I want an alert when a CCE device is "not working" or "under maintenance" for more than a given period of time so that I can check on repair activity and ensure the issue is being attended to.
Next2 votes
4Generate notifications depending on temperature falling below 2 or above 8

As an immunization nurse at a facility, I want to know when a CCE is no longer working  so that I can move the products stored within it

As an upstream CCE personnel, I want to know when a CCE is no longer working properly so that I can plan a repair or replacement schedule

As an upstream store manager, I want to know when a CCE is no longer working properly so that I can plan the upcoming order for that store accordingly

As an upstream logistician, I want to know when a CCE is no longer working properly so that I can plan the upcoming distribution schedule for that facility accordingly

Next1 vote
5Advanced notifications options

Escalations. reminders, recurring/silence-able, acknowledge-able notifications for non-functional CCE

0 votes




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of the vaccine workshop:




Out of Scope

Out of scope for this feature OR potentially saving for future development.

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