OpenLMIS-ODK Collaboration June 6 & 8, 2017
1. Design the Integration
- Based on understanding the architecture of ODK2, create a plan for how OpenLMIS can integrate with ODK2.
- Outcome: A whiteboard sketch or diagram illustrating how the two systems will integrate. This could include a simple first version plus a future ideal version.
2. Build a Rough Proof-of-Concept
- Take a stab at doing a first integration, perhaps just a simple one-way mobile data collection and display within OpenLMIS. Start small!
Outcome: Show a rough proof-of-concept and take screenshots or video so we can share our progress. The code might not be committed back to our main open source project repos. The main result is that we will learn what is easy, what is hard, and inform our next steps for ultimately delivering a working integration.
3. Create a Joint Task List
- This list may have feature requests and bugs for both the ODK and OpenLMIS teams to do that would make the integration better/more robust.
- Outcome: A joint task list that is prioritized and identifies responsible parties. It will be shared electronically so both teams can use it to inform their work.
Day 1, Tues. June 6
10:00am Introductions
Review Goals
Gain understanding of how ODK2 works / high-level architecture diagram of ODK2*
Discuss micro-service integration (Docker, LDAP and OAuth2, etc)
Plan for Web APIs; identify the interface between the two systems
Achieve Goal #1-Design the Integration (see above)
~5:00pm End-of-Day Wrap-Up
*It’s more important that the OpenLMIS team learn about ODK2, and not as important that the ODK team learn how OpenLMIS works. From Waylon’s perspective, OpenLMIS is a generic consumer and they don’t need a big presentation about how OpenLMIS works.
Day 2, Thurs. June 8
- ~10:00am Day 2 Kick off
- Work on Goal #2-Rough Proof-of-Concept
- Work on Goal #3-Joint Task List
- ~2:30-3:30pm End-of-Day Wrap-Up/Presentation (others such as Jake Watson, Tenly Snow, and Mary Jo Kochendorfer may join at UberConference link below)
- ~3:30-4:30pm Mini Retrospective (thoughts/reflections on this event for improving our future collaboration)
See Notes/Outcomes
Joining Remotely
Link (or dial by phone at 401-283-5773, PIN 66343)
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