Reporting - Consumption Report
The Consumption Report is used for planning for MSD procurement and for transfers from central MSD to MSD zones. It is also used for budgeting.
Status in eLMIS: In eLMIS
Status in OpenLMIS: Not implemented within OpenLMIS, can be created in Tableau
Priority: High priority
Displays the total consumption of product(s) selected in the selected period.
- District use and up (above facility)
- Biggest uses - quantification and forecasting
- If rationing commodities - see where most things are consumed
- Comparison of consumption with service statistics
- To track abnormal uses of consumption (esp. if looking at trends)
- This data is used for dashboards
- Consumption def. varies - commonly either "issues" - from the store to patient/ward/lab/ etc. OR "dispensed" if country or program actually tracks to the patient/client dispensing data; but should be limited to SDPs (ex. if a district or province warehouse does an R&R and then their "issues" are not counted as consumption)
- Consumption then converted into "packs"
- Adjusted consumption - based on # of days stocked out
The consumption report shows:
- product code
- product name
- amounts consumed in units of dispensing
- amounts consumed in number of packs
- adjusted consumption (adjusted for new patients or for stockout days depending on the program).
period (which can be an A / B / C quarter period)
geographic filter which can be entire country or a subset
product category filter (optional) - eg antibiotics, antimalarials etc
product filter (optional)
- In this story user means or one of the following, Health Facility incharge, DMO, Community and Regional Management Team (C/RHMT), Logistics officer/Advisors, Senior level decision maker, M&E officer/Advisor etc
User Stories
# | Title | User Story | Label | Importance | Notes |
1 | Export reports to Excel | As a user, I need to be able to export all reports and analysis reporting results into Excel so that I can process the data more and analyze it in Excel. | Tanzania eLMIS reports | Must have | |
2 | Print reports with headings and logs | As a user, I need to be able to print reports with customized headings and logos so that I can file the report for future references. | Tanzania eLMIS reports | Must have | |
3 | View consumption data by period | As a user, I need to be able to view product consumption for a specific time period so that I can plan for MSD procurement and for transfers from central MSD to MSD zones | Tanzania eLMIS reports | Must have | |
4 | View line number for items in product list | As a user, I want to see a number for each row in the product list returned so that I can easily see how many items were returned. | Tanzania eLMIS reports | Must have |
Description | Link |
Open Questions
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
# | Question | Outcome | Status |
1 | A District Consumption Comparison report is mentioned elsewhere in the gap analysis document. Is this also a Tanzania gap? "Displays consumption comparison across multiple districts. The comparison is represented by % i.e. total consumption of district x/total consumption of all districts * 100." | Yes, It is a gap in Tanzania | |
2 | For Tanzania user stories: review the users, "so thats" added, review the label, and review the priority level. | ||
3 |
Out of Scope
Gap Estimation Notes 4/12/2018
- To handle stock-out days, we need to "rationalize" or harmonize two different kinds of stock-out-days data in OpenLMIS v3. This could be a dependency.
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