2017-07-17 QA Meeting notes
2017-07-17 QA Meeting notes
Join the call: https://www.uberconference.com/samim1
Optional dial in number: 401-283-2986
PIN: 22089
- Introductions
- Test Strategy: Sprint grooming & planning workflow, daily defect tracking
- Version 2
- Communication
- QA slack channel daily updates
- Informal questions about processes, tasks, tickets, concerns
- List tickets that have been reviewed with devs for test coverage
- Weekly meetings every Monday
- Tracking time accurately for dev tickets and test case execution
- Adding test cases for dev tickets: Identify incomplete test coverage per ticket, documenting, creating new test cycles
- Test cycles for each sprint: Sprint testing, regressions, bug tracking
- Showcase test cycles
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Ideas for next meeting
- Add edge cases and defining that QA process to the Test Strategy
- Tracking time accurately
- Communicating when regressions are scheduled (small and big)
- Showcasing regressions
- Agreeing on how to define and implement contract tests (writing contract tests - what is the contract test coverage)
- Build a culture of test driven development
- Push devs to finish before end of sprint
- Open communication (#QA check in everyday)
- Orientation of product, walk through of where to go for documentation, walk through of version 2, other history
Action items
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