July 18 2017
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes |
DHIS2 Implementer Toolkit Feedback due by 12:00pm Pacific. Sent via email. Documents, here (password = OpenLMIS). | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) | We are awaiting feedback sent via email by Friday. Tenly will consolidate and send back on Monday. DHIS2 has been working on this toolkit for some time and we expressed interest as a community to provide feedback on how to approach and use or integrate DHIS2 and LMIS. Please track your changes and only leave comments. |
Software Development Update
| Living Product Roadmap: We decided the milestone releases and monthly releases in between, but due to some needs in Malawi, we may shift the release from 3.2 back to mid-September so we can do an additional release in August. We haven’t had the conversation about the release schedule yet, but this is a heads up that the schedule may change to support a patch release. Current sprint: We built out the cold chain service and are working on the UI. We are also working on Stock Management vaccine enhancements to incorporate VVM status, and connecting the Stock Management service to Requisitions. We also worked on bugs, refactoring, and enhancements in the UI. Looking forward we will continue to build out CCE, Stock Management – printing and notifications. We will need input from the group on the next request: Adding a date field to the requisition to tie stock and requisitions together. We have lost a QA resource, but we are addressing it, Sam is working on the test strategy and our test cases. We are continuing to make performance improvements. We are working on pulling in the Batch Approval (the ability to approve multiple requisitions at once). This is a feature other implementations would like. Mary Jo will send out an email with information about this feature. We are trying new ways to disseminate information with this group, such as the videos, so let us know if these are helpful. Batch Requisition Approval describes the feature the Malawi team will contribute back to the core. | |
Member updates? Upcoming travel or opportunities? My updates:
| Last meeting: We mentioned we are moving ahead with building out feature sets in OpenLMIS and are continuing exploring opportunities to leverage tech or experience with Logistimo. We will keep the community updated on the conversation. Ashraf: Integrating OpenLMIS, eLMIS, with DHIS2, for each of the facilities we have to get the org IDs, for over 6,000 different facilities we had to get from DHIS2. There was no other work around. I was hoping in further dialogue that we can impress on them that there may be more automated ways to try to resolve these issues. This is currently a tedious process, and we should discuss these pain points with them. If this gets accepted for a presentation, we want to share our experiences of setting up the POC and discuss other experiences. We haven’t talked about the best way to keep these lists in sync. How do we maintain this mapping? This is a change management process problem. Parambir: I understand the concern, the one thing that needs to be crystal clear, which application hosts the master data? In our experience, for DHIS2, the system assigns the org ids. Given that we are going to get standards compatible, we want most of the software to be global standards compatible. So how does DHIS2 Which application is the master data holder? What if the master data is coming from a third party? The country has their product ids and location ids. What if the facility ids are coming from a global standards list? How does DHIS2 handle this? If the third party provides this data, then does the owner of the master data change from DHIS2 to the third party? Jake: Various countries have different maturity models. Some make DHIS2 the master data source, but this is complex to administer and doesn’t support changes. Primer on GS1 in v3: https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OP/GS1 Ashley: with Americares, we are working on implementing paper forms in Liberia, and we are exploring LMIS solutions for El Salvador. We would like to contribute to further development. Here is the link to the Opportunities discussion: /wiki/spaces/OO/pages/61866022 | |
Questions on upcoming work/features:
| We would like feedback on the next requests
Please respond, even briefly with your comments and opinions to the email Mary Jo will send shortly. | |
Vaccine features update
| We focused on resupply because there were a lot of open questions and diversity for what each country needed. We are focusing on the key pieces to support 80% of the needs. | |
Gap Analysis Update
Question to PC: Do we start reviewing the Tanzania gaps while Zambia continues to gather documentation? Given the amount of documentation, what is the best way to get input from the PC? Voting or discussion around top priorities? | Provided by Amanda BenDor (Unlicensed). | If anyone has ideas on how we will review all the feature sets. - Meet in person? Amanda: Most of the content has been updated in Confluence. Alfred and Ashraf, please review the user stories. They aren’t organized as a typical user story and need updates. We’re hoping to have everything completed by end of month. Chris: Zambia is a subset of Tanzania. We are not doing vaccines. We will look at what has been done in the Gap analysis for Tanzania. Wendy: As we finish this gap analysis work, it is taking more time and costing more money. If Tanzania has provided the information, what more is Zambia supposed to provide? Amanda: Validate and comment on the gap analysis. You may have additional features to add as well. Wendy: Do we have a summary page of the Gap analysis and what requirements are part of each feature, and what decisions need to be made? |
Malawi Update |
- Rachel Powers (Deactivated) to reach out to Ashley for input on CCE UI screens for adding inventory to a facility and low stock notification
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to schedule a meeting with Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed) to go over - OLMIS-2829Getting issue details... STATUS
- PC Members to review and comment on the DHIS2 Implementer guide by
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to incorporate questions raised on the call to the discussion on DHIS2
ATTENDANCE: Alfred Mchau (Unlicensed), Amanda BenDor (Unlicensed), Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed), Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed), Jake Watson (Deactivated), Sam Im (Deactivated), Ashley Canchola (Unlicensed), Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed), Rachel Powers (Deactivated)
Video: OpenLMIS Product Committee-20170718 1600-1.arf (download the WebEx video player here)
Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed), please see the attached discuss
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