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OpenLMIS Mission and Vision
Functional Documentation
Product Roadmap
Project Management
Developer Guide
Working Designs
Design Discussions
Design References
Archived Designs
Adjusted Consumption calculations and 360-day calendar
Are we using demo-data for contract tests?
Automate updating docker compose files
Catalog of Requisition API calls
Cloud vs. Server for JIRA and Confluence
Concurrency issues
Current Thinking in Reporting Stack First Run
Data Report and Analysis Tools
DDD and package name improvements
Decision: Next steps on Nifi Registry and Jenkins Reporting Demo
Demo Data Loading Approach
Facility FTP Settings
Feature Toggles (WIP)
FHIR server options
Gap Reporting Development Work Space
Information Architecture Redesign
Java code duplication
Local FTP server
Making Requisition for Approval separate resource
Microservice API Analysis for Reporting
Mockup Guidelines
Motech Reuse
OLMIS-3188 Scratch Page
OLMIS-3925: Ticket flow
OpenLMIS 3.0 Database Migrations
OpenLMIS Dependencies List - 6 Aug, 2020
OpenLMIS Facility Registry Software Requirements Specification
OpenLMIS Reporting Platform Reference Distribution Storage Decision
OpenLMIS Triaging
OpenLMIS UI - Error behavior approaches
OpenLMIS v3 OOAD Requisition Redesign
OpenLMIS v3 REST API proposed guidelines for POST and PUT
OpenLMIS v3 System Monitoring Tools
OpenLMIS v3 Timezone Spike
OpenSRP and OpenLMIS Integration Path Forward
Overview of Data Storage Options for OpenLMIS Reporting Platform
Permission (/right) registration from Service
Proof of Delivery work plan
Proposed Reporting Platform Repository Structure
RapidPro spike
Reporting Platform Working Designs
Requisition Splitting Release (work) diagram
Research: Nifi Registry for Version Controlling Flows
Review of CCE Regression Testing
Routine Report Service Component Diagram
SMS channel solutions
Software Design document for mobile MVP
Spring Boot 1.x to 2.x Migration Notes
Stock Management - Global Intro on Technical Abstractions
Stock Management options for 3505/3808
UI Architecture v7
UI Goals for 3.3
UI Inventory
Working notes on reporting database process
Common functional tests random failures
Automated Testing Analysis
Program Data
Medical Commodities: OpenLMIS Model for GS1
Review of Requisition Regression Testing
Demo Data for fun and profit
Vial-to-child Barcode Scanning LOE Narrative
Requisition-less Order
Cold Chain Equipment Movements
UI Dictionary
2018-04-12 Tags and Stock-Based Requisitions Epics Introduction Meeting
2019-01-25 SMS Channel Discussion
Notification consolidation design
StockManagement screens issues and improvements [WIP]
2019-05-15 Meeting notes - Stock Mgmt improvements - SoH recalculation
Shared links
How-to articles
Proof of Concept: RapidPro integration
Project task report blueprint
UI Caching Design
OpenLMIS COVID-19 Edition