Interface - Interface with eLMIS Facility Edition

Interface - Interface with eLMIS Facility Edition

Target release
EpicInterface - ??
Document status
eLMIS StatusImplemented
JSI Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed)


Electronic submissions from eLMIS Facility edition needs to be separately tracked

Status in eLMIS: Implemented.

Status in OpenLMIS: ?

Priority: High priority for Zambia


eLMIS Facility edition are being rolled out across the country in 270 high volume facilities. That means there are still other facilities who will submit manually enter the R&R in eLMIS using the web interface. The REST API based submission protocol needs to be enhanced to track electronic submissions separate from web-based submissions. Electronic submission does bring some workflow changes.


Facility edition will submit electronic R&R 

User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotesJIRA Tickets


As an district supervisor I should be able to see whether a facility submitted R&R electronically or through the web interfaceR&RMust have

See Figure 1. Note that facility do have the option to resort to manual submission to eLMIS in case the connectivity issues

2REST APIAs a facility edition user in a health facility I should be able to submit a current period R&R even if the prior period was not yet finalizedR&RMust haveSome unforeseen situation can arise where the supervisor has not yet approved the prior period R&R and the time came for this period's R&R to be submitted. Or, some other similar situation

As a facility edition user I want to be able to skip the initiate and authorize phases and submit directly

R&RMust haveA typical R&R goes through stages of INITIATE, AUTHORIZE, & SUBMIT. However an electronic submission from Facility edition needs to combine all three into one REST API call. 


Figure 1: Submission source is displayed



Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1How does the workflow occur between the two systems?  e.g. if a Requisition is rejected in OpenLMIS, what does Facility Edition do ?

Out of Scope

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