September 19, 2017
Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating.
7:00 - 8:00AM PST - Seattle
11AM to 12PM EST - New York, DC
4:00PM CEST - Geneva, Copenhagen*
5:00PM EAT - Dar*
*Please note the updated meeting time in CEST and EAT timezones
Call Details:
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Meeting ID: 214 188 477
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Topic | Duration | Who | Notes | Chat Captures |
Introductions and call opening
| 5 minutes | No additions | ||
Nomination of new rotating chair
| 5 minutes | The Committee agreed to elect Carl Leitner as OpenLMIS Governance Committee chair until the end of December, 2017. Members mentioned Carl's role in leading the DHI/Digital Square work as a primary reason for electing him as Chair. Members also noted that it may be in the committee's best interest to keep a primary donor (in this case USAID or BMGF) as Chair of the committee. Lindabeth and Kaleb addressed this by noting that the issue could be revisited at the start of the year and any gaps or challenges in the chairmanship could be addressed at that point. The point was also made that Carl is acting as a USAID proxy through the DHI/Digital Square, and is therefore well-placed to chair the committee. | ||
Gap Analysis Feature Prioritization (Presentation and written vote) | 10 minutes | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) went through the feature prioritization ranking spreadsheet developed/approved by the Product Committee. Wendy Bommett, Ashraf, and JSI ZM team brought up the point that certain features are highly important for specific country implementations, but were de-prioritized by the Product Committee, and asked what the next steps were for addressing those de-prioritized features. Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) responded that it is unclear what amount and type of funding will be made available to OpenLMIS for feature development and that, at this time, we aren't able to specify next steps. We may be able to complete all features, dependent on funding, and the feature prioritization is a ranking and not necessarily a cut-list. Kaleb Brownlow (Deactivated) noted that the Community should exercise caution and understand the realities of dollar and resource constraints. Different ways to finance the work (globally available, country-level) that need to be explored. Lindabeth Doby added that she will coordinate with the country Missions around additional pieces that need to be completed and that the Missions could add additional funds. Wendy mentioned that she understands the global perspective but wants to make sure the Community understands that eLMIS is an existing system and that certain feature sets need to be included in order to make migration work. Carl Leitner added that this shows consensus and helps with the prioritization for global features. For the TZM and ZM ranking, it's hard to get information because everything was ranked high. Another missing piece are the timelines for rolling out version 3 in TZM and ZM. The timeline could impact what we need to address and prioritize first. Lindabeth Doby Next steps are to overlay available funding to the prioritization list and team up to identify funding gaps and push some of that to the Missions. Jake Watson (Deactivated) All this shows velocity and progress - if there are strong opinions on how to rebalance these, the high rankings from TZM and ZM make it a little challenging to prioritize. Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) Are the TZM and ZM teams willing to do more prioritization within this group of features, it would help us rebalance this and the ones that are most critical could come to the top. Then we could present this again to the Governance committee. | ||
Interagency Supply Group LMIS ICT discussion readout | 10 minutes | Lindabeth Doby Good conversation but didn't get into depth. Continued to say that donors and orgs would collaborate but didn't do a deep dive. Lindabeth provided a list of projects that are within PSM's current workplan. Still a work in progress, everyone is interested in collaborating and coordinating on in-country work, but overall didn't come out with detail. Did discuss country VANs but didn't speak on detail about other LMIS's. Quarterly, next meeting in March. Hopefully by then will have more to share on version 3 progress, a better list from donors and what they're trying to implement. Carl Leitner Lindabeth Doby Hitesh is the ISG coordinator. Lindabeth will send an email and connect Carl and Hitesh around the OpenHIE supply chain subcommittee. Kaleb Brownlow (Deactivated) Could leverage the Digital Square website to post the data and information. Good source as an update to the ISG. Global Fund may be a better actual donor to participate with OpenHIE. They have the most developed supply chain team.
Carl Leitner Will be officially announcing Digital Square in the next couple weeks and get the website online | ||
DHI OpenLMIS proposal and PRC committee readout How will DHI's call for RFPs work with the Governance committee?
| 20 minutes | DHI - proposal through Digital Health Initiative / Digital Square to support the core OpenLMIS work. Consortium proposal between JSI, OpenLMIS, and Ona. Looking at OpenHIE and engaging with their work as well. Making sure we support the OpenHIE supply chain community and that OpenLMIS needs are reflected there. Also provide actual software development to support that work as well and expand the developer network. Peer review committee PRC received the proposal and provided feedback. Assuming no issues with approval by the Governing board - approval by mid-October. Jake Watson (Deactivated) Governance committee in OpenLMIS will be the decider/final approval. We're excited to bring in the Ona team. If anyone wants to see the proposal, Kaleb and Lindabeth will see it. Ashraf Both JSI and VR worked collaboratively on the proposal and address the feedback from the PRC. --returning to feature prioritization discussion-- Reports are so important they need to be discussed separately. In the final funding allocation, in that discussion it would make the most sense to have all gaps, including reports, in scope and present that to the OpenLMIS Governance Committee so the full scope of the gaps are presented. Carl Leitner Agreed with Ashraf's point. DHI is also mandated to identify additional resources. Just because all funding isn't available today, that doesn't mean that DHI is done. Can help advocate and identify funding, assist with reaching out to GF, Gavi, country teams, etc. | ||
Governance Committee Priorities for 2017 | 10 minutes | Kaleb Brownlow (Deactivated) | Kaleb Brownlow (Deactivated) Ties in well with the anticipated role of Digital Square and helping global goods advocate and communicate needs to a larger set of investors. Stepping back, what do we want to accomplish for the rest of the year. Setting milestones and working towards diversity within the OpenLMIS Community (diverse as in investors, partners, developers, regional or country-based solutions), longer-term roadmap, have an eye on the tactical from the Product Committee but also the strategy. Jake Watson (Deactivated) Had made progress in determining outside funding streams. Pharma, etc. Will need to pick that up and go through ISG? Kaleb Brownlow (Deactivated) We as a Governance committee came up with a list of asks or needs - these could then be presented to Digital Square. Carl Leitner DS has started to pull together an aspirational roadmap - looking to features, country needs, timelines, that would help us build a stronger case as to what the actual ask is. Kaleb Brownlow (Deactivated) How do we move to the next level? How do we move things forward between Governance meetings? Ashraf Within the umbrella of the OpenLMIS Governance Committee, prepare ourselves and "pitch" ideas to potential funders, representing the global goods. Carl Leitner Helpful to explain the DHI fund raising strategy during the next Governance call. | |
Community Updates | ||||
OpenHIE Supply Chain Subcommittee Call held on Friday, September 15
| ||||
Requisitions demo video is now available in Portuguese | ||||
OpenLMIS is presenting at upcoming conferences
Alpha Nnsaghurwe
Naomi Printz
Wendy Bommett
Chris Opit
Ashraf Islam
Mattias Wiklund
Jake Watson
Tenly Snow
Mary Jo Kochendorfer
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
Lindabeth Doby
Kaleb Brownlow
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software