Vaccine Demo Data

Vaccine Demo Data

This is outdated, please see GitHub for the latest information around what demo data is available.

The goal for creating this demo data is to support all vaccine features and scenarios (CCE, F&E, stock management, and Re-supply)

  1. Create one new Program: EPI
  2. Create new R&R template for EPI
  3. Create new program related reasons for stock adjustments
    1. Expired (neg adjustment)
    2. Cold chain failure (neg adjustment)
    3. Lost (neg adj with comments)
    4. Stolen (negative adjustment)
    5. Passed open-vial time limit (negative adjustment) 
    6. Facility return (positive adjustment)
    7. beginning balance excess (for the req-sm connection)
    8. beginning balance insufficiency (for the req-sm connection)
  4. Create Products
    1. Facility Type Approved Products (should we have some products not on the FTAP list?)
    2. ISAs for each product/facility/period (Use the same products used for the ISAs)
      1. Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) let me know if you need support on this. Since we are using SELV Health Facilities we should be able to grab the ISAs from there.
    3. 2 orderables/vaccines should have lots enabled and create 2 lots for each of those vaccines
    4. All orderables should have VVM enabled
  5. Create 46 new facilities (Use Moz Data, EPI_MozDemoData_Facilities.xls and geo zone info: EPI_MozDemoData_GeoZone.csv):
    1. One Regional Store, Niassa, (Called Province in Moz data)  with its own storeroom that will requisition and fulfill
    2. Three District Stores (Cuamba, Lichinga City, Lichinga District) with their own respective storerooms that will requisition stock from the Regional Store and two will do fulfillment for supervised Health Facilities. District stores replenishment cycle will be done on a monthly basis.
    3. 17 facilities will be supervised by DIVO1, the Cuamba district. These facilities will use requisition and report to be fulfilled by the Regional/Province. The District will approve but fulfillment happens at the Province.
    4. 25 facilities will be supervised by DIVO2, Lichinga District. These facilities will receive stock via allocation from the district.
    5. 10 facilities will be supervised by DIVO3, Lichinga City. These facilities will receive stock via allocation from the district on a weekly basis.
    6. Update existing processing schedules to extend out to end of 2018 or create new ones (Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) let me know if you need support on making this decision). We want three processing schedules with periods that extend out to end of 2018: Quarterly (which will be used for the Regional Store for fulfillment by the external warehouse RIVO), Monthly, and weekly.
    7. Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) I'm not sure how to handle geographic zones, let me know if you need me to clarify for you.
    8. Use an existing supply line to a central warehouse from the Regional Store.
  6. Create new users with the following roles and permissions:
    1. Create One RIVO user (which will need a regional store home facility)
      1. Assign the Stock Manager role (which has the Adjust stock, Edit stock inventories, view stock cards rights) so the RIVO can use Stock Management at their home facility
      2. Assign the Inventory Manager role (which has the edit cold chain equipment inventory and view cold chain equipment inventory) so the RIVO can manage their CCE at their home facility
        1. Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) can we update the name of the role to be "CCE Inventory Manager"? Inventory manager is really confusing.)
      3. Assign the Storeroom Manager role (which has the view requisition, delete requisition, create requisition rights) so the RIVO can create requisitions at their home facility and Store Manager role (which has the authorize requisition right) at their home facility
      4. Assign the Program Supervisor role so that the RIVO can approve the DIVO can view and approve the DIVOs requisitions
      5. Create the View CCE Inventory role (which has the view Cold Chain Equipment Inventory right) and assign to the RIVO so they can view the CCE inventory and functional status of their supervised facilities 
    2. Create Two DIVO users (which will need two separate district level home facilities)
      1. Assign the Stock Manager role (which has the Adjust stock, Edit stock inventories, view stock cards rights) so the DIVOs can use Stock Management at their home facility
      2. Assign the "CCE" Inventory Manager role (which has the edit cold chain equipment inventory and view cold chain equipment inventory) so the RIVO can manage their CCE at their home facility
      3. Assign the Storeroom Manager role (which has the view requisition, delete requisition, create requisition rights) so the DIVOs can create requisitions at their home facility and Store Manager role (which has the authorize requisition right) at their home facilityAssign the Program Supervisor role to Ana/DIVO #2 so that Ana can view and approve the HFs requisitions
      4. Assign the newly created View CCE Inventory role to both DIVOs so they can view the CCE inventory and functional status of their supervised facilities (which has the view Cold Chain Equipment Inventory right)
    3. Create and use the following Users/roles for the 40 Health facilities 
      1. Create one new user that supports DIVO #1 Cuamba :
        1. Assign the Storeroom Manager role (which has the view requisitions, create requisitions, and delete requisitions rights) and the Store Manager role (which has the authorize requisition right). They create, delete, view, and authorize requisitions for all the 16 facilities in this district. This user does not have a home facility.
      2. Create one new user that supports the Moz central warehouse: 
        1. Assign the Warehouse Clerk role (which has the view orders, edit orders, and manage proof of deliveries rights)
  7. Create new Requisition Groups:
    1. One requisition group for DIVO #1 scenario
    2. One requisition group for DIVO #2 scenario
    3. One requisition group for DIVO #3 scenario
    4. One requisition group for RIVO that is on a quarterly schedule
  8. Create new Supervisory Nodes:
    1. One Supervisory Node for RIVO on quarterly schedule
    2. Two Supervisory Nodes for DIVO #2 scenario (two-tier approval hierarchy with one parent and one child supervisory node)
  9. Create historical requisitions for DIVO #2
    1. Create at least two historical requisitions associated with DIVO #1. These requisitions have already been approved and are at the Manage POD stage.
  10. Create Cold Chain Equipment Inventory items at each facility (all health facilities, district facility and regional facility) with the following parameters. Use the CCE_active.xlsx for example inventory at the different facilities.
    1. District stores:
      1. 3 - 4 CCE inventory items with functional status of "Functioning"
      2. 2 CCE inventory items with functional status of "Non-Functioning" and varying reasons for non-functioning including at least 
      3. 1 - 2 CCE inventory items with functional status of "Obsolete"
    2. Regional store:
      1. 7 CCE inventory items with functional status of "functioning"
      2. 2 CCE inventory items with functional status of "Non-Functioning" and varying reasons for non-functioning including at least 
      3. 1 CCE inventory items with functional status of "Obsolete"
    3. Health facilities
      1. 1 - 2 CCE inventory items with functional status of "functioning"
      2. 1 - 2 CCE inventory items with functional status of "Non-Functioning" and varying reasons for non-functioning including at least 
      3. 1 CCE inventory items with functional status of "Obsolete"
    4. Populate the following fields as:
      1. “utilization”:
        1. If Functional Status = functioning then Utilization = Active
        2. If Functional Status = Non-Functioning then Utilization = Not in Use
        3. If Functional Status = Obsolete then Utilization = In Store for Allocation
      2. “voltageStabilizer”: Variation of all (Yes, No, Unknown, Not applicable)
      3. “backupGenerator”: Variation of all (Yes, No, Unknown, Not applicable)
      4. “voltageRegulator”: Variation of all (Yes, No, Unknown, Not applicable)
      5. “manualTemperatureGauge”: Variation of all (Built in, Paired, No Gauge)
      6. “referenceName”: Can this be a random name generator starting at Fridge #1?
      7. “remoteTemperatureMonitor”: Variation of all (Built in, Paired, No RTM)
  11. Create csv file for CCE upload that administrator will do
    1. One csv file with all fields completed (here is the sample: catalog_items.csv here is a sample of additional CCE items per Dercio CCE_active.xlsx
    2. One error file

User Scenarios


  1. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and make stock movements for my storeroom.
  2. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and see the SOH for my facility and my supervised facilities. Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed), can we do this? We'd need to load up some historical stock movements.
  3. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and see which refrigerators are functioning and which need attention for my facility and for my supervised facilities.
  4. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and add a new CCE device to a facility within my purview
  5. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and update the functional statuses for two CCE that are already in my list.
    1. Select a CCE device from my list, open it and edit the device name.
  6. (optional, if possible) As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and sort CCE devices in my inventory by facility and by functional status.
  7. (optional) As a DIVO for a District store, I want to go into OpenLMIS and add a device of the new make/model that the administrator has newly added. (See Administrator (2) below)


  1. As a system administrator, I want to log into OpenLMIS and download the current CCE catalog.
  2. As a system administrator, I want to log into OpenLMIS and upload a CSV with my updated catalog. Then I want to download again to see how my changes have been updated in the system's catalog record.

RIVO (added by Rachel but then deleted. Holding off until later.)

  1. As a RIVO for Balaka District, I want to log into OpenLMIS and see which refrigerators are functioning and which need attention at all the facilities within my purview. (All the facilities in all the districts that I manage)
  2. As  RIVO I want to update functionality status for a device within my facility. (But not update device information)

CCE technician (holding off on this and can demo everything from the DIVO point of view)

  1. As a CCE technician for Balaka District, I want to log into OpenLMIS and see which CCE devices are nonfunctioning.
  2. As a CCE technician for Balaka District, I want to log into OpenLMIS and update functionality status for a device at a facility that I serve.
  3. As a CCE technician, I want to log into OpenLMIS and see that I do NOT have the ability to add a new CCE device or edit device info.

Storeroom manager

  1. As a storeroom manager at Health Facility, I want to log into OpenLMIS and update functionality status for a CCE device at my facility.

The below items have been striked out and replaced by the demo data listed at the top of this page.


The facilities described below are defined in these files: referencedata.facilities.json, referencedata.facility_operators.json, referencedata.facility_types.json, referencedata.supported_programs.json, referencedata.supervisory_nodes.json and referencedata.supply_lines.json, referencedata.requisition_group_members.json.

  • HC01/Comfort Health Clinic
    • type: Health Center
    • programs: Family Planning and Essential Meds and EPI
    • operated by: moh/Ministry of Health
    • zone: Balaka (City)
    • this is the home facility for administrator, srmanager2 and smanager2 users
    • this facility is in the requisition group RGFP1 and RGEM1
  • HF01/Kankao Health Facility
    • programs: Family Planning and Essential Meds and EPI
    • operated by: moh/Ministry of Health
    • zone: Southern Region
    • this is the home facility for srmanager4 and smanager4 users
    • this facility is in the requisition group RGEM1 and RGFP2
  • DH01/Balaka District Hospital
    • type: District Hospital
    • programs: Family Planning and Essential Meds and EPI
    • operated by: moh/Ministry of Health
    • zone: Balaka District
    • this is the home facility for the dsrmanager user
    • this facility is in the requisition group RGEM1 and RGFP2
  • WH02/Balaka District Warehouse 
    • type: Warehouse
    • programs: Family Planning and Essential Meds and EPI
    • operated by: moh/Ministry of Health
    • zone: Balaka District
    • this is the home facility for wclerk2 user

to be updated: Roles, Users and Rights

Defined in referencedata.users.json, referencedata.roles.json, referencedata.role_assignments.json, referencedata.role_rights.json and referencedata.supervisory_nodes.json.

  1. Storeroom Manager
  • rights:
    • Requisition View
    • Requisition Delete
    • Requisition Create
    • CCE View Inventory
  • users:
    • administrator - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds & EPI
    • srmanager2, srmanager4 - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds
    • srmanager1 - has this role for Family Planning and EPI
    • srmanager3 - has this role for Essential Meds
  1. Store Manager
  • rights:
    • Requisition View
    • Requisition Delete
    • Requisition Authorize
    • CCE View inventory
  • users:
    • administrator - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds
    • smanager2, smanager4 - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds
    • smanager1 - has this role for Family Planning & EPI
    • smanager3 - has this role for Essential Meds
  1. District Storeroom Manager
  • rights:
    • Requisition View
    • Requisition Approve
    • CCE Inventory View
  • users:
    • administrator - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds
    • dsrmanager - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds
  1. Program Supervisor
  • rights:
    • Requisition View
    • Requisition Approve
    • CCE Inventory View
  • users:
    • administrator - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds for SN1/FP Approval point supervisory node and EPI
    • psupervisor - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds for SN1/FP Approval point supervisory node and EPI
  1. Warehouse Clerk
  • rights:
    • Requisition View
    • Requisition Convert to Order
    • PoDs Manage
  • users:
    • administrator - has this role for WH01/Ntcheu District Warehouse and WH02/Balaka District Warehouse
    • wclerk1 - has this role for WH01/Ntcheu District Warehouse
    • wclerk2 - has this role for WH02/Balaka District Warehouse
  1. Delivery Approver
  • rights:
    • PoDs Manage
  • users:
    • srmanager1, srmanager2, srmanager4 - has this role for WH01/Ntcheu District Warehouse and WH02/Balaka District Warehouse
    • srmanager3 - has this role for WH02/Balaka District Warehouse
  1. Stock Manager
  • rights:
    • Stock Event Create
  • users:
    • no users are assigned this role yet
  1. Requisition Viewer
  • rights:
    • Requisition View
  • users:
    • wclerk1 - has this role for Family Planning
    • wclerk2 - has this role for Family Planning & Essential Meds
  1. System Administrator
  • rights:
    • Facilities Manage
    • Facilities Approved Orderables Manage
    • Geographic Zones Manage
    • Orderables Manage
    • Processing Schedules Manage
    • Products Manage
    • Requisition Groups Manage
    • Requisition Templates Manage
    • Stock Adjustment Reasons Manage
    • Stock Card Templates Manage
    • Supervisory Nodes Manage
    • Supply Lines Manage
    • System Settings Manage
    • Users Manage
    • User Roles Manage
    • CCE Add new CCE
    • CCE view inventory
    • CCE update CCE device info
    • CCE delete device
    • CCE update functionality status
  • users:
    • administrator
  1. Inventory Manager (we don't want this role. It doesn't fit into the personas for CCE that we've been using. We should change this to DIVO instead)
  • rights:
    • CCE Inventory View
    • CCE inventory add new device
    • CCE Inventory Edit (& delete)
    • CCE functionality status edit
  • users:
    • administrator - has this role for Family Planning at FP approval point and Essential Meds at EM approval point & EPI
    • ccemanager - has this role for Family Planning at FP approval point and Essential Meds at EM approval point & EPI
    • divo - has this role for Family Planning at FP approval point and Essential Meds at EM approval point & EPI
  1. CCE Manager (this seems redundant. can we delete?)
  • rights:
  • users:
    • administrator
    • ccemanager

Other users with no roles:

  • admin (this admin account is built into the bootstrap data)

Passwords for these user accounts come from the Authentication Service's demo data.

Rights themselves come from the bootstrap data.

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