Backlog Grooming Sprint 41

Backlog Grooming Sprint 41

Goal: Focus on foundational work for 3.3 feature set (local fulfillment, making an order (requisition lite), F&E, Reporting, mobile reference implementation)



/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/88670474. These features are going to be built incrementally, so we are adding functionality to fulfillment pages instead of trying to build the entire full feature set at once.

Stock Management

Reference Data

  • OLMIS-3537 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2245 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-3135 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2666 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
  • Team Parrot please pick 1-3 tickets from this epic to improve performance (keep in mind the most used/biggest impact should go first):  OLMIS-3623 - Getting issue details... STATUS



  • OLMIS-3196 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Team Parrot please steal this ticket from Team ILL board)
  • Stretch:

Team ILL

Goal: Tickets ready for SolDevelo next week (Fulfillment, RTM, Making an Order). Dependency: Mock data for reporting. GDHF prep work (integration PPT, integration POC JSON, etc, Tenly's presentation, kick-off meeting)

  • MUST: GDHF integration lab session - Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to create a ticket for the JSON script for the October month. (Brandon will write ticket.)
  • MUST: Create mock stock management data–Needs Discussion. Brandon Bowersox-Johnson Josh Zamor and MJ discussed using excel to build it out. (Brandon will write ticket.)
  • MUST: Mary Jo to create a ticket for Digital Square Gap Analysis Ona/JSI/VR group kick off meeting prep
  • Detailed presentation on vaccine features for AMP Benin (need by Dec. 12) (Tenly create a ticket) (Tenly will work on this presentation and get Review from Mary Jo)
  • DONE: Ticket to describe component releasing process (new) - add disclaimer about components not being fully regression tested (buyer beware) - Josh added a new paragraph in ReadTheDocs that says "Draft"

  • OLMIS-3683 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Sam)

  • OLMIS-3587 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Sam)

    • including the open questions in  OLMIS-3505 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Brandon can collaborate with Sam)

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