Introductory Call with MEDs, Kenya
Date Jan 6, 2021
OpenLMIS participants: Wesley Brown, Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed),
Alex Kimondo, ICT Manager for MEDs
They are an NGO, faith based; health advisory, supply chain, quality assurance. They are looking for an LMIS system, country-wide
LMIS to cover the whole nation; all counties; serve all health facilities in the countries
Integration of ERP to LMIS and other national systems like DHIS2, and KEMSA’s LMIS as well
Program areas: for HIV, Malaria, EMs
What levels of the system will it extend to? (still not clear)
Which implementing approach; cloud-based or not? Wes: We suggest cloud but we can do both. OpenLMIS doesn’t manage patient data
Does OpenLMIS have Proof of Delivery feature?
- We have delivery to the facility, but not the patient
- They would be interested in integration with OpenSRP; keep this open as an option, possibly connect to Ona
Funding: They have made a proposal to USAID, which contains a list of requirements. They are supposed to hear back about the funding early this year. It would be supported by Chemonics but they are not sure to what extent Chemonics would be involved
Next steps:
- Alex to send us the requirements doc that he used in the USAID proposal to provide more details about their desired scope/features
- Alex to keep us updated on status of funding/feedback from USAID
- If this moves forward, Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) connect Alex to Ona to explore OpenSRP integration further
- Wesley Brown support with further Q&A as needed (either via email or in Nairobi)
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