
Contribution Guidelines:

Active Contributions


Product Committee

Technical Committee

Next Step


Product Committee

Technical Committee

Next Step

Stock Card Overview

Discussed - Product is ready to be contributed


PSM - Waiting for submission to Technical Committee

Archive Product

Discussed - Product is ready to be contributed


PSM - Waiting for submission to Technical Committee

Partial Order Fulfillment

Discussed - Product is ready to be contributed


PSM - Waiting for submission to Technical Committee

Notification Centre

Discussed - Product is ready to be contributed


PSM - Waiting for submission to Technical Committee

Requisition Configuration

Discussed - Community is not interested in this feature as described. The current approach is hardcoded to SIGLUS requirements and not generally usable for the core system.


PSM - Review feature design to see if community feedback can be incorporated

Configurable Custom Requisition UI

Not presented


PSM - Present feature to Product Committee

Multiple Program Requisitions

Not presented


PSM - Present feature to Product Committee

Completed Contributions

Declined Contributions

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software