Follow up call-Joel Palfart, Niger consultant

Follow up call-Joel Palfart, Niger consultant

Feb 11

Participants: @Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) @Wesley Brown

Previously shared a sample implementation budget; he wants to talk more about cost structure and OpenLMIS capabilities

Questions for discussion (sent by Joel)

  1. What are the functionalities and capabilities of OpenLMIS open source version ? Is it possible for a client to implement this version without your help ?

  2. How many user versions do you manage ?

  3. Could you describe the new offline mode ?

  4. Have you developed data exchange from DHIS2 to OpenLMIS ?

    1. in Niger they use DHIS2 for EPI data and the health centers collect data for consumption of vaccines and give stock status (how many vials); logistics data are in DHIS2 database. Prefer that data could be sent to OpenLMIS to avoid double input. It is difficult for health centers to use DHIS2; if there was a new system for logistics data it would be difficult for them

  5. What are your principles of pricing taking into account the main characteristics of the user requirements ?

    1. in health centers it will not be possible quickly

    2. 100 health centers will be for implementation

    3. functionalities: vaccine mgmt, asset mgmt for CCE, etc are present for OpenLMIS. No additional functionalities needed at this stage. imagine it will be very simple

    4. considered implementation could be easy;

    5. all services should be brought in; for training Niger could do a training of trainers in the MoH; then they have their own people that can train the other users. For higher level tasks such as customization the partners would be concerned with these things.

  6. What do you think about deployment at the Health centers level ?

  7. What are your offers for the client  ? project design, software costs,  installation and customization, training, hosting...?

  8. Questions re: master data (facility registry, products, etc.)


Next steps:

They will eventually propose a tender; will create a terms of reference; The tender will be likely released in early 2022 (delayed due to COVID)

What do we want to find in the terms of reference?

  • → Rebecca to send a list of items that we would like to have, then Joel can provide us with that information. THEN we can provide them with a more detailed budget estimate

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