PC: January 16 2018
Last Meeting Notes: PC: January 2 2018
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes |
Software Development Update
| The roadmap has recently been updated and will continue to be tweaked this week. The Reporting DSC indicators are especially worth reviewing. Please feel welcome to attend the showcases or review their recordings. It would be great to receive feedback about reporting and visualizations. The two indicators we have so far are closed vial wastage and full stock availability. If folks would like other metrics (eg: stock on hand) please let us know. We have the potential to add visualizations beyond just the DISC indicators and would like to know what folks believe would be most useful. Nuran Idris (Unlicensed) please let us know if you have suggestions on other reports we should be prioritizing using the current data model in SuperSet Reporting and Analytics#DataModel | |
Overall updates and topics under discussion:
| ||
Reminder about filters and navigation | This will have ramifications within the UI and potentially be introduced in the 3.3 release. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. It would especially be helpful to hear from the Malawi team. | |
Remaining pieces on pull request proposals. See http://docs.openlmis.org/en/latest/contribute/contributionGuide.html#contributing-code for instructions on how to coordinate with the PC on approval of code contributions (aka new features). According to Ben Leibert the following are what the Malawi team plans to complete and contribute back to core as a pull request. Below is the current status of the PC review.
| Process Improvement Needed Question: It is difficult to know if an implementer is suggesting a new feature or rather suggesting a pull request. A proposal is to include a "label" should be added that says "PullRequest" if the implementer plans to implement the feature. Any other thoughts? Answer: Folks seem amenable to the above idea. The Malawi team isn't asking the Core team to implement the first three tickets listed to the left. Instead they hope to refine the requirements internally and then with the PC. Afterward, the Malawi team will aim to implement them. | |
Upcoming gap analysis estimation meeting. Objective is to have an updated Roadmap for the features outlined on under the parent page → Gap Analysis: eLMIS Tanzania & Zambia and OpenLMIS 3.x | We're starting an implementation phase in which Ona and JSI development teams will be involved. | |
OpenHIE meeting on Friday | We'll be talking about product registries. Please let Mary Jo know if you need help signing up. | |
Upcoming conferences and potentially opportunities to showcase OpenLMIS or meet up.
| Chris Opit (Unlicensed) is going to the ICT4D conference. Martin plans to offer an overview of NexLeaf at the PC meeting following the next one. |
- Tenly Snow (Deactivated)
- Amanda BenDor (Unlicensed)
- Martin Lukac
- Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed)
- Josh Zamor
- Dércio Duvane (for half) - Dercio are you planning to attend the up ICT4D Conference in Lusaka?
- Nick Reid (Deactivated)
- Ben Leibert
- Christine Lenihan
- Nuran Idris (Unlicensed)
- Craig A (Unlicensed)
- Chris Opit (Unlicensed)
- Ashraf
- Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
- Chifundo Chilivumbo (Deactivated)
- Matthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated)
- Ismail - from GHSC Tanzania
- anyone else??
Video: https://zoom.us/recording/play/FbcmUUJPkBdGk2bPCrHemMM0HzjvyTpjPyad3mJM0pWoFMraZ8e_MN0X9GFEorEC
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