August 11, 2021
Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating.
- 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
- 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)
- 5:00 PM EAT - Dar (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)
Call Details
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Meeting ID: 377 281 719
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Action items for next call -
Action Items |
Topic | Who | Notes | Chat Captures |
Introductions and Call opening (20 min) | Brandon Bowersox-Johnson | New people were welcomed to the OpenLMIS community - David Crewe-Brown – GM Vitalliance - Pranil Singh – Communications Vitalliance Transitions - PATH - Brian Taliesin – taken on role of OpenLMIS director through transition. - Village Reach - Brandon Bowersox-Johnson – leaving late Aug 2021. Jennifer Pancholi will be taking over from him - Village Reach – Rebecca Alban on parental leave. Pranil has taken over from her. - CHAI – Gaurav Bhattacharya leaving. Lakshmi Balachandran will be taking over from him - Wes Brown – moving to Vitalliance in a similar role | |
Committee transitions | Brandon Bowersox-Johnson | - Governance Committee – This was the last meeting – replaced by Strategic Oversight Committee (quarterly) - Product Committee – Transitioning to the OpenLMIS Community Forum - Technical Committee – Still to be defined | |
Transition planning and activity | David Crewe-Brown | Feedback given to the major achievements to date and the current priority activities | |
Opportunity pipeline | David Crewe-Brown | Some opportunities were confirmed - Gambia – RFP not yet advertised. Still scoping. Funding from TGF or Global bank - Kenya – not aware of the award. Committed work - v2 to v3 upgrade for EPI complete in Moz (Selv) – VillageReach - v2 to v3 upgrade in progress for other products in Moz (Siglus) - PSM | |
Enterprise Support | Dean Tebbutt | Highlighted limited response received thus far for enterprise support. Requested continued support for current projects to sign up enterprise support. Focus on new projects is to ensure that the enterprise support is built into the project costs Comment made about the name of enterprise support – might need to use a different name to make all parties more amenable to the concept Risk flagged that if only one country signs up for enterprise support it will be a challenge for Vitalliance to provide the contracted level of support as the income will not cover the costs. | |
AOB | Special words of thanks to Brandon and Gaurav for their contributions over the years |
Carl Leitner, PATH (Chair)
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson, VillageReach
Josh Zamor, VillageReach
Emily Bancroft, VillageReach
Jennifer Pancholi, VillageReach
Christine Lenihan, VillageReach
Lindabeth Doby, USAID
Kelly Hamblin, BMGF
Ashraf Islam - JSI
Jean Miller – PSM
Lakshmi Balachandran - CHAI
Gaurav Bhattacharya – CHAI
Trevor Lambiotte, Vitalliance
Dean Tebbutt, Vitalliance
Pranil Singh, Vitalliance
David Crewe-Brown, Vitalliance
Wes Brown, VillageReach
Gene Trousil, Vitalliance
Meeting Recording:
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software