PC: Feb 13 2018

PC: Feb 13 2018

Call Information

  • 09:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 12:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 19:00 CAT - Zambia
  • 20:00 EAT - Tanzania

Last Meeting NotesPC: January 30 2018



Lead (Time)


Software Development Update

  • RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap
  • Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 46
  • Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 47
    • Finalize the fulfillment screen with the "ideal product model"
    • Implement the redesign of Emergency Requisitions
    • Continue implementing the receiving process/electronic Proof of Delivery features
    • Multiple requisition templates per program
  • Release: target 3.3 end of March

  • Reporting. Showcases will be every two weeks an hour before this call. Showcases are recorded here. Updated documentation on Reporting and Analytics on what has been completed and login information to superset.
  • Fulfillment features for 3.3 

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

  • We are getting close to 3.3 and we are working to demo the release the same week as the release at GAVI.
  • We changed scope for the release to more clearly identify target features.
  • The primary remaining effort focuses on Resupply
  • Fulfillment features for 3.3: (Graphic to left)
    • In the future OpenLMIS will allow users to track stock management and click a button to create a requisition. Historically, OpenLMIS was focused on requisitions to request a resupply.
    • We have streamlined the requisition process and generate an order calculated based on a target Ideal Stock Amounts (ISAs).
    • When we fulfill the orders, there is a cold chain equipment integration so the user can make decisions on the current cold chain equipment status
  • Resupply entails the full chain events from creating an order to receiving it.
  • Questions:
    • Ashraf: What will happen if a country doesn't have a remote monitoring system for the cold chain?
    • Is there an alternative method for updating the cold chain equipment information?
      • Answer:There is a header bar in the fulfillment screens that are under development. The current state is a manual input by users right now. The new feature is an integration and a flag that can be added to this screen, that an alert went off. It doesn't directly update the status. If the user sees the flag, they can make a phone call, navigate the cold chain equipment inventory and perform human processes to identify ground truth.
    • Have we incorporated bundling in the fulfillment process?
      • They are called "kits" in the system which is a future feature that has been requested. Support for kits will not be released in the 3.3 release, but it will be added to the backlog so we can prioritize it. You have to ensure the product model is configured appropriately to do this
  • Vaccine documentation from the stakeholder group needs to be updated. The scope needs to be updated showing what has been delivered to this point.
OpenSRP integration has kicked off and refining the scope of work. We will aim to first delivery a POC for the demo with GAVI.Craig Appl (Unlicensed)

High level overview of the proof of concept

  • Ordering a resupply from the mobile app 
  • Receiving Shipment Information from OpenLMIS and applying it to OpenSRP mobile app


Ashraf: asked about what the full features within OpenSRP? Do they track immunizations? 

Ashraf: will you be submitting the total amount of immunizations back into OpenLMIS? In my experience this information is needed during the fulfillment

Craig/MJ: it is on the roadmap and needs more discussion on priority.

Long-term Roadmap

I'm looking for individuals interested in helping come up with some approaches to more effectively and transparently manage the OpenLMIS long term roadmap. 

The current Living Product Roadmap outlines what is funded.

We have a mechanism for New Feature requests, outlined here: http://docs.openlmis.org/en/latest/contribute/contributionGuide.html#suggest-a-new-feature

Is that sufficient? How do we as a committee want to review so that we can effectively prioritize and define features? How do we all want to contribute to defining scope?

  • Gap Analysis: eLMIS Tanzania & Zambia and OpenLMIS 3.x - Funded
    • Dashboards and reporting (across levels)
    • Interfaces to external systems (includes ERP, mobile, and offline applications)
    • Requisition enhancements (favoriting products, columns, usability improvements)
    • Budgeting
    • Fulfillment and re-supply features and enhancements
    • User personalization and self-service (configuration, notifications, dashboards)
    • Equipment tracking
  • Enhancing EPI Features (some not specific to EPI) - Not Funded
    • Resupply enhancements
    • Fulfillment enhancements
    • CCE Storage/Availability Capacity
    • Expanding the Reporting within OpenLMIS (also in Gap)
    • Finish DISC Indicators
    • Stock Management enhancements

      • Decentralized lot management
      • Corrections and Reversals

    • Enhance Forecast and Estimation
    • Notifications (also in Gap)
    • Support for Kits
    • Program data collection
    • Expand equipment management and issue tracking (asset mgmt)
    • Campaign management
    • Upstream visibility and pipeline
    • Barcoding support
  • New requests from Malawi implementation - Mixed funded and not funded
    • Redesign of Emergency requisitions (in progress)
    • Batch/aggregate approval of requisitions (first design/iteration, needs improvement)
    • key summary type priority status

  • Using OpenLMIS to manage a country's product master (Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed) to briefly highlight) - Not funded
  • OpenLMIS Mobile App - Not fully funded
  • Other ideas and thoughts
Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
  • What is the best process for managing the OpenLMIS long-term roadmap?
  • The long-term roadmap is generally for unfunded requests
  • This helps:
    • Community identify priorities
    • Community seek additional funding
    • Implementers can voice their priorities or contribute back features
  • The Living Product Roadmap is different. It focuses on what we have funding for building
  • New feature requests can be suggested as outlined in the OpenLMIS Contribution Guide
  • ← Gap Analysis, Enhancing EPI Features and New requests from Malawi: We have a challenge identifying scope across multiple places in the wiki. We would like to have a more unified place.
    • In many ways it's easier to build a list at the time a request for the product roadmap is made.
  • Request: Are there any volunteers to discuss this approach? We would like to hold a call to discuss it in the coming week.
    • Chifundo
    • Christine
Access to VIMS dataAlfred Mchau (Deactivated)
  • We would like to demonstrate the DISC indicators in the reporting structure. We reached out to the Tanzania teams to identify if they could share their data.
  • The team is trying to finalize the formal request and get the organizations responsible in Tanzania to send it to the Ministry. The drafted request is being reviewed and we hope to send it to the Ministry by the end of the week.
  • There are a number of processes that this needs to go through, so we are not able to estimate the timeline.
  • Question from Mary Jo: What else can be done to speed up this request? Can we provide other information?
    • There is a meeting tomorrow to clarify this with groups in Tanzania and generate the request.

Two Quick Requests

Market Research: What other systems should we be following and keeping up with?

Expanding number of implementation support: Other partners and players in the electronic LMIS space? Or technology vendors we should be aware of?

Request for suggestions of other players in systems to connect with.
ICT4D Conference  -  in Lusaka

Dercio submitted a general OpenLMIS abstract. Chris Opit (Unlicensed) did you or anyone at JSI submit an abstract? Is it related OpenLMIS?

Ashraf to follow up with Chris and see.

DHIS2 Symposium  -  in DC
Tenly will be going to present the DHIS2 integration with OpenLMIS as demonstrated at the Global Digital Health Forum
Next PC meeting: Mobile Strategy 

Another potential topic is to discuss what we plan to demo to GAVI and get feedback.

Another topic could be reviewing the proposed long-term roadmap of features


  • Alfred Mchau
  • Ashraf
  • Ben
  • Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
  • Chifundo
  • Christine Lenihan
  • Craig Appl
  • Ismail
  • Martin
  • Mary Jo
  • Sam Im


Video or URL: https://zoom.us/recording/play/jixqEn2VzuN8RCtE0ai906S9UMN_Nq5m1bqylgq8j_y9LqJlZ0LUHuVjKNtRj5Fp


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