PC: Feb 13 2018
Last Meeting Notes: PC: January 30 2018
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes |
Software Development Update
| |
OpenSRP integration has kicked off and refining the scope of work. We will aim to first delivery a POC for the demo with GAVI. | Craig Appl (Unlicensed) | High level overview of the proof of concept
Links: Ashraf: asked about what the full features within OpenSRP? Do they track immunizations? Ashraf: will you be submitting the total amount of immunizations back into OpenLMIS? In my experience this information is needed during the fulfillment Craig/MJ: it is on the roadmap and needs more discussion on priority. |
Long-term Roadmap I'm looking for individuals interested in helping come up with some approaches to more effectively and transparently manage the OpenLMIS long term roadmap. The current Living Product Roadmap outlines what is funded. We have a mechanism for New Feature requests, outlined here: http://docs.openlmis.org/en/latest/contribute/contributionGuide.html#suggest-a-new-feature Is that sufficient? How do we as a committee want to review so that we can effectively prioritize and define features? How do we all want to contribute to defining scope?
| Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) |
Access to VIMS data | Alfred Mchau (Deactivated) |
Two Quick Requests Market Research: What other systems should we be following and keeping up with? Expanding number of implementation support: Other partners and players in the electronic LMIS space? Or technology vendors we should be aware of? | Request for suggestions of other players in systems to connect with. | |
ICT4D Conference - in Lusaka | Dercio submitted a general OpenLMIS abstract. Chris Opit (Unlicensed) did you or anyone at JSI submit an abstract? Is it related OpenLMIS? Ashraf to follow up with Chris and see. | |
DHIS2 Symposium - in DC | Tenly will be going to present the DHIS2 integration with OpenLMIS as demonstrated at the Global Digital Health Forum | |
Next PC meeting: Mobile Strategy | Another potential topic is to discuss what we plan to demo to GAVI and get feedback. Another topic could be reviewing the proposed long-term roadmap of features |
- Alfred Mchau
- Ashraf
- Ben
- Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
- Chifundo
- Christine Lenihan
- Craig Appl
- Ismail
- Martin
- Mary Jo
- Sam Im
Video: https://zoom.us/recording/play/jixqEn2VzuN8RCtE0ai906S9UMN_Nq5m1bqylgq8j_y9LqJlZ0LUHuVjKNtRj5Fp
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software