Backlog Grooming Sprint 49
Goal: Finishing touches and bug fixing (blockers and criticals), regression testing
Dates: -
LAST Sprint!!! Regression Testing time....
Side Note for Parrot: We've noticed there have been more tickets being created recently. Are some of these musts that need to get done? Can you please make sure to flag if we are missing critical tasks that were recently created by the team. All rollovers from Sprint 48 must be finished.
Local Fulfillment
- - OLMIS-4195Getting issue details... STATUS (From Showcase: TO DISCUSS AT SPRINT Q&A Thursday; we want to make sure the AC are clear that the "No Lot Defined" collapses with the row above, similar to Stock Management)
- - OLMIS-4026Getting issue details... STATUS (Ticket was mostly done, but has 2-3 issues in the comments still to address Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to add comment to specify exactly what is left to complete)
Bugs that must be fixed prior to regression testing
- ALL Blocker and Critical bugs must be fixed this sprint before regression testing can begin. These bugs should include performance bugs.
Regression Testing will only begin after everything above this line is complete.
Regression Testing
We plan to start testing after all blocking and critical bugs are fixed and tested.
See plan located here: 3.3 Regression & Release Candidate Test Plan
For all bug fixes during regression testing, we will require re-push reviews via pull requests or have more reviewers for any change.
- - OLMIS-4342Getting issue details... STATUS (Sam Im (Deactivated))
- - OLMIS-3498Getting issue details... STATUS (Sebastian Brudziński & Brandon Bowersox-Johnson, per discussion Jakub was going to work on this during the regression testing)
- Sam Im (Deactivated) to create testing tickets for Team ILL Sprint 49
- - OLMIS-4286Getting issue details... STATUS (Nice to have Sebastian Brudziński can decide.)
We can do the following during regression testing since it should impact. Perhaps not wait to the last minute given it is unclear how long it will take.
API Live Docs: Our live documentation stopped working due to a dependency issue in NPM. For the time being we've unblocked development by removing live doc generation, leaving dead links and no live docs on our documentation page. We'll fix this by increasing the priority of simplifying our live documentation generation:
- OLMIS-3708Getting issue details... STATUS (MUST)- - OLMIS-4295Getting issue details... STATUS
To Discuss:
- OLMIS-3653Getting issue details... STATUS (Sebastian Brudziński to check both fulfillment and POD to make sure it is correct)
Team ILL
- - OLMIS-4219Getting issue details... STATUS Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
Community Meeting (Brandon Bowersox-Johnson & Tenly Snow (Deactivated))
OLMIS-4350Getting issue details...
- Tenly & Brandon to meet on to discuss sharing form on tech and Slack
- - OLMIS-4351Getting issue details... STATUS
For 3.3 release: Tenly Snow (Deactivated) will create tickets for each of the following
- Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to add ticket for Review of 2 page for Gavi demo - OLMIS-4349Getting issue details... STATUS
Demo Environment Prep
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to create a stub ticket for demo prep
Performance Testing
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