Workaround for stockmanagement quickstart
Gradle-6.0 is needed to run this in both IntelliJ projects
If we encounter node-js error after docker-compose -f docker-compose.builder.yml run builder, we should rollback package-lock.json and rerun this command
Due to not working integration tests in stockmanagement, we can use temporary workaround to run this repository:
Clone openlmis-stockmanagement and openlmis-ref-distro
git clone
git clone
We put .env variable to both repos (in refdistro it should be called settings.env). BASE_URL, VIRTUAL_HOST AND PUBLIC_URL inside should be populated with your computer IP adress.
curl -o .env -L
cp settings-sample.env settings.env
We erase everything connected with integration tests from build.gradle, example script with erased data below.
Inside in stockmanagement, we replace last line with gradle clean build
In ref-distro, inside .env script we replace original stockmanagement version with OL_STOCKMANAGEMENT_VERSION=latest
This will pull the latest docker container from our pc after we make some changes
(Right now, we just need three commands to create docker image that will be pulled by ref-distro)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.builder.yml run builder
Type in token
docker-compose -f docker-compose.builder.yml build image
Run and interrupt it’s run after logs starts falling down. Then type:
docker-compose up -d
To attach debugger to stockmanagement you need to:
go to ref-distro/docker-compose and at the end of stockmanagement container you want to listen to and specify port it will run on (in this case stockmanagement on port 1144)
- "1144:1144"add this command line arguments:
to the environment.JAVA_OPTS propertyin the upper right corner inside IntelliJ (or in the Run from the navbar) press Edit Configurations
Add new configuration: Remote JVM Debug
Set host for your IP adress and port you specified in paragraph 1
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software