2018-02-20 Meeting notes

2018-02-20 Meeting notes


7am PST / 4pm CET

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  • See discussion items

Discussion items

10mAgenda and action item reviewJosh Zamor

Action item review from https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/vAAND

Open action items from last time:

  • Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) to add docs on http caching / dtos
  • Paweł Albecki (Deactivated):  take the feedback from the DDD and package name improvements and show through a diagram and/or use of the example service what it'd look like given that feedback
  • To the group:   bring up what you'd like to see as part of the technical mobile strategy in the dev forum (Product Committee may look at some of this feedback)

Dispensable - inner workingsChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)

Java importsChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)


Java imports

For code style guides, google simplified it - all static fist, non-static second, alphanumeric secondary sort.  We adopted the style-guide way back, yet we seem to have removed the import order enforcement.

Next steps:

  • dev forum post and point devs how to update intellij (we have documentation on this)

PoD Rights

Discussed the migration of PoD rights in OLMIS-4168 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

Open question on how to automate migration:

  1. Keep both old and new
  2. Delete the old PoD Manage right (no one in production uses this feature, and it feels like tech debt). 
  3. Leverage the stock management right (adjust stock right?) to determine whom gets the new PoD Manage right.

We chose #2 ,delete the old PoD Manage right as no production system is using the PoD feature.  We'll add a note to the release notes for good practice, but otherwise the migration is a destructive action, that we predict will have no negative outcome.

We propose that option #3 might be useful - implementations migrating from an old version to the new would have anyone assigned the stock management right, automatically added to the PoD Manage right.  New implementations wouldn't get this, but perhaps that's okay as in the future with ASN we'll have more PoD functionality migrated to the stock management service.

Next step:

  • Adopt option #2
  • Raise to product committee the potential that #3 could also be done, but it's not a blocking issue.

Action Items

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