OpenLMIS Lunch Event 2018

OpenLMIS Lunch Event 2018

Key Information

  • Date: November 29th  (to coordinate with the second day of the Global Health Supply Chain Summit)
  • Where: Zambia (Lusaka); Raddison Blue Hotel
  • Who: OpenLMIS community members; featured presentations by OpenLMIS Trusted Partner Organizations and sharing of OpenLMIS deployment experiences by two MoH staff from Malawi
  • Major Themes: Bring together global health supply chain experts who are interested in learning more about the capabilities and functionalities of the OpenLMIS software; share OpenLMIS deployment experiences with the global health supply chain community; high level networking and fostering implementation opportunities
  • ObjectiveThe purpose of the event is for the Community and its trusted partners to 'pitch' OpenLMIS to an audience of invited MoH staff, donors, and other influential stakeholders, with the end goal of creating more implementation opportunities. We are sponsoring two MoH staff from Malawi to attend to showcase the Malawi implementation experience, in addition to other presentations. Promote OpenLMIS as a best in class open-source electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) that can be customized to meet the needs of health commodity supply chains.
  • Type of eventIt is going to be a smaller, closed lunch event (approximately 30-40 people)
  • Outreach: we want to strategically target our invitations at folks who: 1) Are already planning to attend GHSC, and will not require sponsorship and; 2) Who have expressed interest in OpenLMIS and have the power/influence to encourage new implementations. 
  • Participants: Hosts: Core OpenLMIS staff, Trusted Partner representatives; Invited Guests: representatives from Ministries of Health, donor organizations, and other influential stakeholders

Here is the planning document
Here is the Save the Date

Draft Agenda

Presentations from OpenLMIS Trusted Partners: JSI, Ona, Softworks, SolDevelo

Presentation from Malawi Ministry of Health: Dr Vuso Tembo & Mr. Ben Chilima

Archived Planning notes

Below are ideas for a potential OpenLMIS community meeting in 2018.

IdeaTarget AudienceMain topicIdea DescriptionNext Steps

End users

User-centered feedback and engagement

Bring together OpenLMIS users or those who work directly with end-users from the different OpenLMIS implementations. Dialogue about how OpenLMIS can change to better support users and the challenges they face, such as reducing the data burden and giving users the right information at the right times. Participate in human-centered design activities and usability testing of new OpenLMIS v3 features. The outcome of this community meeting will be revisions to the product design and roadmap to better meet the real-world needs of end users.

2M&E and governance related membersM&E

Something around M&E and theory of change around OpenLMIS and maturity model for supply chain management.


Technical members (includes implementers)

Technical visionBring together the OpenLMIS administrators and technical community to align on the technical vision.
4Technical members and other technical members from other global goodsInteroperability

expand the community and meet with interoperability. How do we interoperate with other Stock Management softwares (send and receive shipments between). Getting folks bought into the vision of multiple systems working together to manage supply chains.

5All members Product Roadmap and vision

Invite all community members to participate in developing and framing the OpenLMIS roadmap for 2019 and the next 3 to 5 years. Members will be expected to bring ideas, help refine scope, define value and advocate for features which they see as essential to long-term success and which address the key needs of users. This roadmap will be used to identify and solicit new funding to ensure that OpenLMIS continues to provide relevant features and build our community.

6All membersImplementation OpportunitiesHow do we expand the number of countries using OpenLMIS? How do we engage the current implementers.

All members (governance)

Sustainability Bring together the funders and the implementers to discuss sustainability of OpenLMIS
8Technical members (includes implementers)Shared Value

Bring together technical members of the OpenLMIS Community (those directly involved with software development and technical design) along with representatives from countries where OpenLMIS is currently implemented to discuss how we as a community can work together to move from the current forked versions toward a collaborative state that recognizes past achievements and aligns the vision for a future state. Discussion would cover the state of current implementations, the desired state of the Initiative as a shared code, shared value collaborative, and the path to upgrade for current implementations. 

Next Steps:

Final OpenLMIS Community Meeting Theme

Bring together OpenLMIS users or those who work directly with end-users from the different OpenLMIS implementations. Dialogue about how OpenLMIS can change to better support users and the challenges they face, such as reducing the data burden and giving users the right information at the right times. Participate in human-centered design activities and usability testing of new OpenLMIS v3 features. The outcome of this community meeting will be revisions to the product design and roadmap to better meet the real-world needs of end users.

Planning Committee Notes 18/04/2018

  • Attendees: Tenly Snow (Deactivated)Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)Josh ZamorBrandon Bowersox-Johnson

    • See below for need to ask for more planning committee members; nobody responded from Governance.
  • Discussed this week's governance committee input on the theme.

    • Specifically, the idea to shift focus to new implementation outreach and host in West Africa (francophone issues included).

    • Also discussed the concerns about sensitivity with hosting at different locations in Tanzania.

    • DECISION: Stick with the theme which was voted on.
  • Location Discussion: Need to identify other East Africa location - Zambia? Malawi? English speaking? Near other OpenLMIS implementations is desired.

    • Zambia: Pro - implementation there. Con - older version. Zambia has been central to CRDM and Gap so potentially too much focus.

      • Contacts: Christine may have insight into Zambia locations. Wendy, Ashraf, Chris Opit 

    • Malawi: Pro - v3 is implemented Con - may be VR centric

      • Contacts: VR team

    • Kenya: Pro - lots of options for location and centrally located, Pro/Con - no OpenLMIS implementation

      • Contacts: Ona, iHub, Andela, PATH 

    • Tanzania: Pro - implementation there. Con - older version. Seems too political with the location and implementation sensitivies. Tanzania has been central to CRDM and Gap so potentially too much focus.
      • Contacts JSI team
    • Mozambique is not a strong option because of Portuguese language barriers and high costs.

    • Next Step: Planning committee to decide. Tenly to pull together options.
  • Application process? 
    • Tenly to work on the next steps here.
  • Schedule discussion:
    • option: 3 days (Mon-Tues-Weds or Tues-Weds-Thur; avoid Fridays)
    • option: 2 days
    • OHIE all-community meeting:  -  
  • Get the Save the Date out to all potential participants.
    • Need to make decsions on Location, Schedule and application process before we can send the Save the Date 
  • Form planning committee
    • Edward, Matt, Carl, Brandon, MJ, Tenly, Josh, Ashraf, CHAI/Satish  
    • Tenly to contact Amanda (good insight into offices/locations) 
    • Doodle for planning meeting 

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software