TB Monthly form

TB Monthly form


  • The electronic  monthly report form for TBL medicines was designed to provide logistics information for supply chain managers . It shall monitor the flow of medicines from the district to health service delivery points (SDPs) that distribute medicines to end users. The form shall help supply chain officers easily determine which facilities are under stocked or overstocked, review trends in consumption on a product-by-product basis, identify facilities with potential TB and Leprosy medicines management problems, and plan redistributions and deliveries to facilities.


  • This feature was initially implemented in Tanzania country and it has been replicated for version 3 of OpenLMIS in 2023. The OpenLMIS has been in use in Tanzania since 2014, and the supply of TB and Leprosy (TBL) medicines to the district level was incorporated in 2015. Since then, OpenLMIS has facilitated the ordering of TB and Leprosy medicines by districts from the Medical Stores Department (MSD) and has provided data visibility to the district level. This visibility has allowed district, regional, MSD, LMS staff, PORALG, and central MOHCDGEC-NTLP levels to view various logistics reports and use them to inform key decisions at the central level, including rationing and redistributions.

    However, the distribution of TB and leprosy medicines to health facilities has been managed through paper-based monthly report forms, resulting in limited visibility of the status of these medicines at health facilities. Several visits to health facilities have revealed pile-ups and shortages of TB medicines, prompting the central level to request improved visibility on TB and Leprosy medicines at the facility level. To address these challenges, NTLP collaborated with the Global Health Supply Chain Program (GHSC-TA-TZ) to enhance data visibility from the facility level by transforming the current paper-based facility monthly report form into an electronic version integrated into OpenLMIS.

    This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) guide serves to provide users with guidance on using the electronic monthly report form to report and obtain relevant information regarding the status of TB and Leprosy medicines at the facility level. Similar to the paper-based monthly report form, the electronic version will serve as both a reporting tool and a guide for district-level decision-making on the quantities of TBL medicines and tools required to support service provision to clients at health facilities.

User Stories

How the TB Monthly form is filled at the Facility level



User Story



User Story


To initiate TB Monthly form

As a Health Facility in-charge, I want to be to select programs from the drop-down list.


To fill the form 

As a Health Facility in-charge, I want to be able to fill TB Monthly form.


To submit, authorize

As a Health Facility In-charge, I want to be able to submit and authorize the TB Monthly form in Patient(s) Tab and Priority drugs and medical supplies tab.

How the TB Monthly form filled at the District level



User Story



As the District Pharmacist, I want to be able to click my supervised facility, select program and facilities.



As the District Pharmacist, I want to be able to edit at Priority drugs and medical supplies tab the number of patient treatment next month, quantity issued and remarks.


Approve and Reject

As the District Pharmacist, I want to be able to approve or reject the form.

Note: The TB Monthly form is not converted to an order after the approval process.


  • How the TB Monthly form is filled at the Facility level

Patient(s) tab:

Patient(s) tab.png

Priority drugs and medical supplies tab:

Priority drugs and medical supplies.png
  • How the TB Monthly form filled at the District level

Priority drugs and medical supplies tab:

district level.png


  • How the TB Monthly form is filled at the Facility level

TB Monthly - Facility level.webm
  • How the TB Monthly form is filled at the District level

TB Monthly - District level.webm


Configuration Guide:

TB Monthly Configuration Guide

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