OpenLMIS Roadmap (GOV)

OpenLMIS Roadmap (GOV)

  • Description: Where should the platform go? How does the product roadmap get updated / prioritized. How can countries inform additions to feature set and contribute use cases? How do we work with country stakeholders to further refine this list?

Leads:  Kevin 

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Join the call: https://www.uberconference.com/info3285

Optional dial-in number: 716-293-6106

PIN: 63498

Rapporteur/Note taker: Sandy Hawley

Notes from Session:

  • Taking the big idea down to feature level
  • How concrete do we want to define priorities without country input?
  • We need country perspective in aggregate - we need to know as a community how different processes work

Who are we designing for?  Who are stakeholders? How do we prioritize? 

  • MOH
    • want exact solution they can afford 
    • a general solution adapted to my specific countries needs
    • at minimum should be a stakeholder for defining use cases- but at what point do we involve them?
    • what are the design and architecture decisions we need to make today to anticipate when new stakeholders come into the community?
    • they are stakeholder because they have to be willing to maintain it
    • what is the role of countries in defining roadmap? (we decided to hold this meeting stateside)
    • they have no incentive to use it- partners are the ones that need to drive implementation
    • help countries understand- rationale for using existing tool, best practices
    • cultural policies are  major factors in implementation  - some of the core pieces are impacted by culture
  • Donors
    • pay once, multiple use 
    • best practice
    • are donors coordinated? unless they are sharing information about the best approach, there are often numerous systems that don't work
  • Implementers
    • community of support
    • implement quickly-best practice, don't have to build it
    • demonstrate impact 
    • address some aspects of ongoing support and maintenance
    • offer solution to country teams- increase relevance across multiple settings

However, the stakeholders for the country specific product and the platform are very different.

ACTIVITY: outline roadmap priorities across current and future status:

  • What exists
  • What should exist
  • What should not exist

within these key roadmap "buckets" (see images in artifacts below)

  • Mobile API
  • Stock Management
  • Best Practice Processes
  • Data Source
  • Modular
  • Support an Upgrade Path

Prioritized List:

  • Modular (17)
  • Stock Management (13)
  • Data Source (10)
  • Mobile API / Reference UI (10)
  • Support an Upgrade Path (10)
  • Best Practice Practices (9)




OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software