Rearchitecture: High-Level Design (TECH)
Description: Discuss rearchitecture to address identified technical pain points, propose high-level designs
Leads: Karl, Josh
Rapporteur/Notetaker: Rich
Audio recording: High level Architecture d2s1.mp3
Notes from Session:
High Level Review of Architecture (by Josh)
- Traditional 3 layer
- Requests go to controller, thin layer of mybatis to database
- Arranged in gradle sub-projects, fairly logical though all javascript/controllers/front-end stuff is in openlmis-web, including migration and authentication.
- Some of the bigger problems:
- Migration scripts are sequentially named. Too many to get an idea of what's going on.
- Encapsulation: no domain model, mainly a transactional model
- Error handling: no structure, just throwing a runtime exception and moving on.
- Not leveraging single page application model: it's really a "collection of single page applications"
- Unnecessary bandwidth usage. TW and JSI encountered performance issues in various projects
- Compression helped (verified by JSI in other deployments). TW studying CDN.
- Many of the standard libraries, like Angular, are using minified versions, but OpenLMIS angular/JavaScript scripts are NOT minified
- Specific library version dependencies, so it's difficult to tell whether a specific version is required or not.
Solution/Direction Ideas [Jeff]
- Some inspirations from a TW-built PtP lending platform:
- Described a complex stateful operation carried out as a series of RESTful calls, which can be strung together between websites and mobile devices. A good analogy is a shopping cart, where someone may add something to a cart on their desktop, then view and buy it via mobile (These are long transaction-like processes, state is stored in domain model)
- Benefits: once domain model is stable, hides complexity of processes, clients just need to invoke the series of RESTful calls to fulfill the process. This could apply to processes like R&R
- This work extremely difficult to do incrementally - implies a rewrite of OpenLMIS. This time around, we have the benefit of the domain knowledge and requirements up front.
- For application to OpenLMIS: need core domain model, then define processes (like R&R)
- Difficult for offline operation
- OpenLMIS lacks a domain model
- [OpenLMIS could export a "star schema" for reporting and handling extensible fields]
- Discussion of business logic separation in a domain model [Adam]
- Domain is about data management
- Service layer is about the business process
- General agreement that variations on this theme exist.
- "Does OpenLMIS need a domain model?"
- Common business problem is updating R&R, say adding a new tab with some extra data to collect - how does this fit in the TW PtP model?
- Thought problem: add DOB to every line on a Req
- Extend the domain object via name-value pair
- Does not add a column to the DB. Need to export data (via star schema or other technique) for reporting and such
- Subclass business logic for validation
- UI: new HTML files
- Spring selects new versions at build and runtime
Some other needs
- Need "contribute back" process (coming in further sessions)
- Need DB update strategy
- Reporting is a perennial need and request from ministries. Need a solid reporting solution
- Need to define extension points for processes like R&R
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