Evolving to new development practices (TECH)
Evolving to new development practices (TECH)
Description: Short-term approaches to identifying technical debt; how to apply new development practices now; Common shared upstream branch
Leads: Darius
Rapporteur/Notetaker: Rich
Audio Recording: Development Practices d2s4.mp3
Notes from Session:
In this session, we start to decide which practices to follow, and how to handle technical debt.
Who is currently contributing code?
- TW to 2 for MOZ
High Level work to accomplish in the short term:
- We Commit to making 2.0 the upstream branch by end of 2015
- Need CI and automated reviews (possibly need a QA environment)
- Updated workflows around pull requests/reviews
- Test data set/configuration
- Need 2.0 Demo instance (there are ones for TZ and MOZ projects)
What are the implications for countries between now and 2.0 master? (Not addressed in discussion)
Tasks: (Owner is in brackets)
- Nominate and establish technical WG
- Accessibility from 1.0 is merged into 2.0 [VR]
- Gitflow setup (rename '2.0' to 'master', etc.) [VR]
- CI Server: [VR]
- Need to pick a CI: "travis", based on github permissions. Most orgs currently use Jenkins
- Sonar server [any org]
- Publish rules in dev documentation, a "contribution guide"
- Dedicated time for regular reviews, merge into master
- Public expectations between organizations, who has privilege to commit to master trunk?
- Write down the vetting requirements/criteria for this committer
- Establish tech review board, and its arbitration process
- Publish Pull request process and expectations
- Tool selection (issues, wiki, etc.)
- Create test dB, demo environment
VillageReach doesn't need to do all of the above tasks. Govern & Tech tracks should review and decide. Tomorrow, decide Tech WG members.
- Should have some upfront feature review so project knows ahead of time if a feature belongs to core or not, to set expectations and avoid surprises. Product design should occur beforehand.
- How is a feature, ready to be merged, defined as Done? Any requirements around documentation, testing, etc.
- Question arising from doc concern: If code is merged into dev/master, what is the Done criteria? If feature is gradually built and constantly merged in, when is that feature "done"? Needs to at least be Done by the next release tag.
, multiple selections available,
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