PC: May 8 2018
Last Meeting Notes: PC: April 24 2018
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes |
Software Development Update
Who's working on OpenLMIS these days??
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Interested in demoing OpenLMIS? Version 3 Demo: Supporting Documentation - updated with more screenshots and speaking notes. Let us know what else you'd like or need. | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) | A demo is coming up in Thursday (5/10) 9 AM Eastern, 6 AM Pacific You can view the previous recorded demo on youtube Github can also be consulted for demo data. More info on the upcoming demo can be found here Community can also conduct demo of their own Community can edit the demo page with their own steps/comments/suggestions Shared calendar for the demo was suggested by Dercio New requests can be added through Jira Living Roadmap can be found on the Open:MIS wiki page Timescale is not actually reflective of actual target dates. We need to gather data on team velocity, before the timescale can be updated with realistic dates. Gap Analysis feature prioritization can be found on the Google spreadsheet which was shared with the community before. There are 48 features at the last count. While most of the roadmap items are gap related. But there are also few other types, e.g., Stock based Requisition Community feedback is welcomed on the roadmap. Connect-a-thon is planned for Facility Registry. Amanda provided more details info Expect email from MaryJo about upcoming agenda for the next Governance Committee meeting. OpenLMIS release note on 3.3 is also available at read the doc site You can find the link to the video (OpenLMIS + OpenSRP integration) at the demo page |
Tanzania eLMIS roadmap and upcoming work Alfred Mchau (Deactivated) to insert the list of requirements. | Alfred Mchau (Deactivated) | Skipped for this week since Alfred was not available |
New Requests - No New Requests Filter: Getting issues...
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Sam Im (Deactivated) | Should an Order be created with all Zero quantity? | |
Gap Project: Roadmap review and feedback | Team Ona started with their Sprint from Sprint 52 Team JSI will start working on the R&R Product List on Sprint 53 Team VillageReach will start from Sprint 54 Community can track the progress of the Gap project on the https://openlmis.slack.com There is a channel on gap_project as well OpenHIE Community Meeting Information (conference and Connect-a-thon) - https://ohie.org/2018/04/save-the-date-2018-openhie-community-meeting-in-tanzania/ Please let Amanda BenDor (Unlicensed) know if you want more information and plan to attend. Would be great to have people at the Connect-a-thon working on OpenLMIS interoperability. | |
Next PC meeting: Malawi will provide an update, Non functional requirements discussion kick-off | Josh Zamor | Expect more on Non-functional requirements at the next PC meeting |
- Ashraf
- MaryJo
- Sam
- Parambir
- Tenly
- Martin
- Amanda
- Chifundo
- Craig
- Dercio
- Matt Kumbuyo
- Felimone
- Chris Opit
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software