2016-01-26 Meeting notes

2016-01-26 Meeting notes



4-4:50pm PST U.S.

7-7:50pm EST U.S.

8-8:50am 27-Jan-2016 CST Beijing


Jeff Xiong (Unlicensed) will start it.



  • Get feedback on modular recommendation
  • Last call for feedback on contribution guide draft before adopted into 2.0 branch
  • updates on 2.0 progress and contributions

Discussion items

Previous meeting link:  https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/RwAxAg

10mInfrastructure stories/tasksJosh
  • Show stories in JIRA:

    type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

5mContribution guide - Done?Josh
  • Draft is merged into 2.0's dev
5m2.0 merging into devChongsun
  • 2.0 is merged into dev; everyone works off dev; 2.0 goes away
 Modular recommendationJosh
  • Walk through recommendation docs and PoC

Some items from last time:

  • Cubes for 2.0?
  • 2.0 merging to dev branch
  • still holding on: removing PoC database tables (Elias, Ashraf & Rich) - end of month expected 
  • squashing all legacy flyway migrations - blocked by removal of PoC db tables
  • review of features to toggle off and method to doing so is ongoing



modular short term (git-repo) - conceptual work longer term


need intro video perhaps for how day-to-day would work


Cubes is ongoing, not sure if contribution to 2.0.  Work in ETL and/or stored procedures is ongoing and would be needed for a general solution


PR made for license files!  (and merged!)


Elias working on PoC cleanup of db tables


We're merging 2.0 into dev, and dev is going away


All working on dev!


Squashed db migrations loses some history,  Elias asking to hold off until PoC db tables removed


Elias is working on some code cleanup:

  • odk module removal
  • smaller areas, we might see PR for bigger removals of dead code



Action items

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