Evaluating Integration between OpenLMIS and LoMIS
Background information
LoMIS is supported by eHealthAfrica. A presentation on LoMIS is here. LoMIS Deliver is a technology-based logistics management information system that enables detailed planning / scheduling, management and near-real-time monitoring of goods from source to sink.
The solution is comprised of:
- Android Mobile application for field staff (individuals making deliveries).
- Web application dashboard for individuals scheduling, managing and monitoring tasks progress from anywhere and at anytime.
Information on OpenLMIS
- Tech Stack: Architecture Overview Version 3#TechStack
- OpenLMIS OpenSource Maturity Model: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RufdS3FJDQakJgVAAa-T2xNvb1i0ExiLVGry-hsQx5c/edit?usp=sharing
- Functional Overview: Functional Documentation
Evaluation (under discussion)
Questions | LoMIS |
Is the system open sourced? | Not yet, eHealthAfrica plans to do this but when/how is still under discussion. |
Does the system have a strong pool of developers supporting it? | |
Describe what the open source community is like? | |
Has the system filled out the OpenSource Maturity Model Matrix? If so, can we see a copy? | |
What is the technical stack used by the system of interest? | CouchDB, PouchDB, React Native, (see presentation) |
Are there any upcoming shifts in the use of the technical stack? | |
Are there any key considerations or differences of note between OpenLMIS tech stack and the system of interest? | |
Does the OpenLMIS community currently have resources which know or could support the system of interests tech stack? Please explain. | |
At what scale is the system/application used? Number of users, sites, transactions, etc. | |
What type of documentation exists? | User Guide: https://confluence.ehealthafrica.org/display/PUB/LoMIS+Deliver+Version+1+User+Guide |
How does the system handle authentication? | |
What standards are supported? | Actively looking at supporting mCSD and is a part of the OpenHIE community. |
Functionality Review (the following questions came up during the brainstorming session) | |
Does LoMIS currently have features supporting route optimization? | Is in the roadmap but not in the application yet |
Does LoMIS currently have features supporting fleet management? | On the roadmap |
Does LoMIS currently have features supporting temperature tracking for goods in transit? How about capturing the status of cold chain equipment at the facility level | On the roadmap |
Task management | Can create packing lists by linking individual tasks (deliveries) |
Does LoMIS currently have features supporting Goods in Transit? | Task grouping can be used to manage multiple delivery points. |
Does LoMIS currently have features supporting returns or wastage in transit | Automated pieces are on the roadmap. There is a manual step at the moment. |
Introduction and Brainstorming session
Team members from LoMIS and the OpenLMIS community met to discuss potential integration use cases on .
The recording of the meeting is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vSySrM94Pe8MeCzdRoK-y-F3EInjVVfr
OpenLMIS Overview Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EB-MYsFJf17NzbBQrS0toM5MHmxAl3ydy6a7ECTFlWo/edit?usp=sharing
- OpenLMIS Community: Sam Im (Deactivated), Ashraf, Tenly Snow (Deactivated), Craig Appl (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted), Dércio Duvane, Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
- LoMIS Team: Dave Henry, Samir, Doug, <insert list>
Potential use cases
All the following are based on the dependency of syncing locations and products. All orders and stock would contain the lot/batch information if available. LoMIS could sync data to OpenLMIS from a receiving facility that enters data through mobile (for proof of delivery)
- Order from OpenLMIS is sent to LoMIS, then LoMIS tracks the delivery and confirms the proof of delivery. LoMIS would update OpenLMIS with the amount delivered and who accepted it.
- OpenLMIS allocates stock for delivery (potentially multiple locations) Based on what is delivered, LoMIS sends OpenLMIS proof of what has been delivered (details of delivery may be limited to amounts and not reasons)
- This could also include cold chain status of inventory
- Manage the picking up of safety boxes/waste at the facilities (would be new for both applications)
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