June 19, 2018

June 19, 2018

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 


7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC

3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen

5:00 PM EAT - Dar

Call Details

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/377281719

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +19294362866,,377281719# or +16699006833,,377281719#

Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 377 281 719

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/byw2qkHOU

Action items for next call  

Action Items from May Governance meeting

  • Review version comparison document





Chat Captures

Introductions and call opening

Tenly Snow (Deactivated)

OpenHIE Community Meeting

Tenly Snow (Deactivated)

Amanda BenDor (Unlicensed) is engaged with OpenHIE and currently works for PATH. Planning the first-ever OpenHIE community meeting. 

July 31-Aug 4, Arusha, TZ 


The OpenHIE Community would welcome 2-3 ideas for conference sessions. Let Tenly Snow (Deactivated) know if you are:

  • Attending
  • Have session ideas to propose 

Connectathon - Whoever is going would be good to stay the last day.
Thursday - gap team Governance call. Part of the agenda is discussing the travel budget and whether this would be a good use of gap travel funds. Touchpoint with Craig Appl (Unlicensed) and others who may need support for travel. Ona, JSI, VR. 

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson may be attending the OpenHIE Community meeting on behalf of OpenLMIS 

Craig Appl (Unlicensed) has applied for sponsorship to attend the meeting wearing his OpenSRP/Ona hat. 

Mapping exercise between health domains (ongoing activity over next 1.5 months). Cross-cutting activity defining health work in supply chain, OpenHIE, metadata definition in the health side of OpenHIE. 

Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to work with Craig Appl (Unlicensed), Edward Wilson, and Alfred Mchau (Deactivated) to coordinate ideas for session

Edward Wilson to follow up with TZ team (Alpha, Naomi) around the meeting and potential ideas around eHealth architecture

Gap analysis project update

  • Vote to approve the Gap Project Roadmap
    • 7/8 votes received, of those who voted, 100% pass 
    • Reminder that the gap project does not currently address the Interfaces workstream. This workstream requires further discussion before beginning work. 
    • Slide deck
Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Mary Jo: Still working with team leads in the gap project around the Interface approach. Reframing with hope to clarify and present more information to Governance so they can review, ask questions, and approve. 

Brandon: Better to take time to get aligned and do it right the first time. 

Josh Zamor (OpenLMIS Architect) is on STTA to TZ for approx. 2 weeks. Have great input from team leads but need to come together with the Architect and all leads to dialogue. Can't schedule until early July. Letting group know that this is somewhat delayed due to travel. 

Next Governance call can have a more comprehensive update on the full project. Visit Product Committee notes can see sprint notes and links to feature work currently underway. 

Sustainability project updateBrandon Bowersox-Johnson

Kaleb Brownlow (Unlicensed) will also provide an update/discussion next week. 

Approx. a month ago - Governance approved the sustainability work including an outside vendor to lead us through the process. Work now is to refine and narrow the list. 

Last step was asking members to submit a list of vendors. 3 vendors submitted. 

Kaleb and Brittney are going to review and select a vendor. 

Want to make sure that Governance members are seeing the updates, feel like we're pulling together, let Brandon Bowersox-Johnson know if the right information isn't being shared. 

Edward: Don't remember seeing anything about this recently. Don't recall the request for vendors. 

Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to verify Google Forum list and follow up with Brandon Bowersox-Johnson and Kaleb Brownlow (Unlicensed)

SoftWorks presentation and expression of intent 

Mahmudul Islam (SoftWorks CEO) 

Brandon: Used primarily open source stack. OpenLMIS is easy to use with Docker. Having experience with Android apps, your team may be able to jump into development. 

Do you feel like there is support needed from OpenLMIS in using Java, Spring, RestFUL APIs, etc.? Need further materials and support? 

Mahmud: We would definitely need assistance to join the Community and be comfortable to start developing/understanding the software. Schedule sessions where SoftWorks learns the tech stack. No experience in microservices. 

Edward: Interested in hearing more about the content of the work. Have you implemented requisition workflow management? Resupply calculations? Or mostly indicator calcluations, dashboards, etc. 

Have you done any work developing facility level inventory management systems? 

Mahmud: In some countries, resupply requests are part of the dashboard. Data entry starts with the POD/LMIS report to submit the previous period's stock status and request for resupply. 

In Liberia, in May, the dashboard includes the whole cycle of resupply request, approval, data capture. 

In Bangladesh, 21 warehouses and 488 sub-district stores where commodities are stored (approx. 250. Family planning specific). Offline inventory management system working. Product issue is done electronically. All data is also synced to the central dashboard. 

Namibia: Facility electronic stock card for 40 central level hospitals. Inventory management software in the hospital stores. Manual sync (not automatic). Generate a monthly report and upload to dashboard. 

Opportunities roundtable & conferencesAll


  • Conferences 
    • HHL
      • Tenly (VR)
        • Poster, oral presentation, panel, workshop
      • Chris Opit (JSI) 
      • Others? 
  • New funding opportunities
    • IsDB
      • Guinea: Update from JSI. PSM has expressed interest in an upgrade project. Would need to talk with PSM and the Ministry. Ashraf hasn't heard from them yet. 
      • Consider a short follow up call to talk about opportunities, specifically IsDB. Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to schedule. 
    • DIAL Strategic Grants
  • Country Implementation Opportunities
    • Angola
    • Mozambique (SIGLUS)
    • DRC
    • Cameroon
    • Benin
    • Cote d'Ivoire
    • Ethiopia 


Community and Product Updates

Demo of Appy


Contact Tenly Snow (Deactivated) if you're interested in seeing the demo 

Will also share with community 

Demo likely scheduled for next week

Suggestion to let Appy folks know about the SIGLUS app. 

Demo with LoMIS Deliver

Discussing it delivery and transport 

Let Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) know if you would like to attend the demo. 


Lindabeth Doby - USAID
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson - VillageReach
Edward Wilson - JSI
Ashraf Islam - JSI
Craig Appl - Ona 
Mahmudul Islam - SoftWorks
Mary Jo Kochendorfer - VillageReach
Naomi Printz - JSI TZ
Tenly Snow - VillageReach 



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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software