PC: July 17 2018

PC: July 17 2018

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 11:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesPC: July 3 2018



Lead (Time)


Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 103

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 104


  • 3.3.1 to test out the new patch release process. Plan is to include bug fix  ( OLMIS-4728 - Getting issue details... STATUS ).
    • See Patch Release Test Plan (v3.3.1) for test plan. 
    • Goal is to test the patch release process and tooling. Malawi does not intend on picking up since it is so close to the 3.4 release. 
  • 3.4 Release: aim to release after 104 (end of July)

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12300

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) (2 min)

Still planning 3.3.1 patch release. Do not anticipate Malawi picking up since they are waiting for 3.4. release.  Malawi team to do testing for release candidate. Goal to have release candidate by end of upcoming sprint.

If you want to see patch release test plan let VR know.  Goal is to do process tooling.

You can always watch showcase every two weeks for additional software development information.

Update on OpenSRP mobile integration workCraig Appl (Unlicensed)
  • Finalized UI Design Mock-ups and prepping for review this week.  Craig sent a doodle poll out to the PC to meet.  10-11AM EST Thursday or Friday are the options.  Please everyone indicate your availability ASAP. Call for more representation from implementers.
  • https://doodle.com/poll/rdmpbpnt6yn6hh35
  • Development activities completed:
    • Created the domain objects in the OpenSRP server
    • Working on the landing screen (UI mock-up will be timely)
Update on  OLMIS-1302 - Getting issue details... STATUS Ashraf

Update on DIAL Catalytic Grant. Applied for small grant (jointly between JSI, Village Reach, Instead).  Others engaged in the application.  Proposing to build user interface for reference data upload, specifically for facilities. Linking to Instead resource map interface (geographic information). 

Additional feature for UI for upload of facility CSV file.

If you want to learn more, click on epic.

Reminder, work has not started. We are still discussing with Mike Downey at DIAL.

Review proposed changes to the error behavior in the UI.

OpenLMIS UI - Error behavior approaches

Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)

Specific for implementers to think about - do we want to make changes to error handling in the requisitions?

Nikodem developer for Soldevelo.  Focusing on UI aspects. 

Reviewed table forms and how error messages are shown. A few approaches discussed. Would like feedback from the PC. Keep as is or look toward line item error message? Soliciting feedback, specifically from Malawi team.

Feedback from data entrants would be most useful as they are the ones spending time entering data into the forms.  They can point out the actual pain points.

Some feedback that it was frustrating that the cell error validation came up right way is frustrating for users. 

Follow up: Additional feedback from Malawi team needed.

Should be no impact for 2G issuers (low bandwidth internet users) for the various options presented.

Gap Roadmap Update 

  • Burn down
  • Hold on interfaces. Need for alignment on approach.
Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) (2 min)

Team getting up to speed.  July numbers for burn down will be more reflective of gap team velocity.

When Josh is back from leave, will schedule time for conversations about the interaces workstream.  Need to go back to the governance committee for approval before starting work.

Continue the WORKING SESSION on Non-functional Requirements

Everyone please be prepared to share current implementation working data scenarios to help us determine the appropriate goals for OpenLMIS based on current (and potential if possible) implementation needs (number of users, number of supervised facilities).

Non-Functional Requirements - performance


Tanzania and Zambia: we need all implementations current data in the non-functional requirements page. Who can we reach out to, so that we can have complete data before the next product committee meeting?

  • Zambia: Chris & Ashraf will take ownership
  • Tanzania: Alfred will populate
  • Mozambique: Dercio will populate
  • Malawi: Nuran has provided

Want agreed upon community performance data. Want to set aligned targets for performance testing.  Major information needed: what is current general working data within your implementations and responding to the questions in approving and converting to order. (See Non-Functional Requirements)

Ashraf can provide some feedback but additional input needed from Chris Opit.     

Mary Jo wants input from the community before the next meeting. 

New Requests

Filter:  Getting issues...

Next PC meeting: Ideas??

Momad: I want to know the differences between what Tanzania and Zambia has implemented for the Equipment Module vs what OpenLMIS is implemented. 

Great suggestions!  Mary Jo can provide overviews on next call. Maybe next time, two side by side demos.  

Priority are the technical requirements.

Additional Requests and Information:

Community Mtg will be in Malawi.  More information coming soon.

ATTENDANCE: Mary Jo, Amanda, Ashraf, Craig, Alfred, Dercio, Nikodem, Momed, Wes, Parambir, Felimone




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