2018 Community Leadership Summit
2018 Community Leadership Summit
Website: http://www.communityleadershipsummit.com/
Date: -
Location: Portland, OR. Oregon Conference Center
Marketing an open source initiative/tool
- Marketing helps people understand what a tool or technology is about. Make people aware of technologies and how they can use them.
- Traditional thinking = marketing means "give me money in exchange for a product"
- In open source it's about capturing attention and resources in a crowded environment
- How to design code to welcome people in and get them interested in working on your project.
- Marketing = word does not exist in other languages. Invented in the US in the 1950s. It's a verb - bringing your product to market.
- Two sides:
- Using an open source tool
- Contributing to an open source tool
- Two sides:
- What problem is the tool solving?
- How do you describe it in a way that the people A) using it and B) contributing to it, know what it does and care about it?
- Have to be delicate in using personas - it really depends on the audience
- Need to make sure that the product is consumer-driven
- Conversations with actual customers are absolutely necessary
- Technical papers, how tos, tutorials, videos, training, education
- How do you onboard someone to be a contributing member of the project?
- Encapsulating information in concise ways
- If someone likes your product, how do you empower them to be able to explain that to others?
- Minimize effort to describe
- Challenges with Slack
- No "searchable" directory of Slack projects
- Slack doesn't make it easy for anyone to join the community/conversation
- Comparison
- Don't go it alone - strong marketing can sometimes depend on comparison
Open questions/challenges for OpenLMIS
- Hearing the "customer" voice
- Having that perspective actually folded into/used to define the product
- How to describe features and a roadmap that constantly evolves
- Our mission/vision is well-defined. IMO, we don't struggle with defining a mission that matters. What we struggle with is communicating our features in a compelling way to the people who matter (clients)
- Suggestion → Rather than creating events (ie. OpenLMIS community meeting), look for Africa-based events to attend and set up side events.
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software