PC: July 31 2018
Last Meeting Notes: PC: July 17 2018
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes |
Software Development Update Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap Current sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 104 Upcoming sprint: Release:
| Sam Im (Deactivated) (5 min) | 3.3.1 Patch released and currently working on regression testing for 3.4, expected to be finished by next Friday. Q&A Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed): There was a request from Malawi on Jasper reports, was any work done on this? Sam Im (Deactivated): Not sure, will check. Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed) will check what's the ticket number on this. |
Update on OpenSRP mobile integration work | Craig Appl (Unlicensed) (5 min) | |
Asset Management Asset management comes up frequently in the supply chain space. What are the key use cases which the two intersect? What information do you need to know about your equipment to make informed decisions about stock? Showcasing features
| Dércio Duvane (30) | An asset is a resource. For example the immunization program is CCE. We keep that information in OpenLMIS because its helpful for the program to know when its safe to deliver the products to that facility. Are there any other kinds of equipment or objects that we would like to manage in OpenLMIS, and how does that affect the supply chain? Parambir - Are we limiting assets to medical product-related assets, or are we going broader?
Dercio - Would it make sense for us to build asset management within OpenLMIS, or should we focus on integration with other systems that already do it well?
Finalize Non-functional Requirements | Wesley Brown (10 min) | Did not discuss, will move to next PC meeting. Please review this document prior to the next PC meeting. |
Next PC meeting: Ideas??
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Additional Requests and Information:
| Community Mtg will be in Malawi. FILL OUT THE SURVEY! |
Dércio Duvane; Ashraf; Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed); Sam Im (Deactivated); Chifundo Chilivumbo (Deactivated); Josh Zamor; Martin Lukac; Matthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated); Wesley BrownRECORDING:
Video: https://zoom.us/recording/share/e5XPhcwUJD4VKd8yJDrEvttnoi5-Z4k_LIy7qkcyv7iwIumekTziMw
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