2018-07-24 Meeting notes

2018-07-24 Meeting notes



7am PST / 4pm CET

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  • See discussion items

Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item reviewSebastian Brudziński
5minFollow up on Test plan for 3.4 release

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated), Elias Muluneh, Sebastian Brudziński

The test plan available at 3.4 Regression and Release Candidate Test Plan
10minQuick overview of the new Tech Debt review processSebastian BrudzińskiTechnical Debt Review Process
10minMaking shared Jenkinsfiles for backend and ui services.Mateusz Kwiatkowski OLMIS-5100 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Overview of the new tech debt review process

  • we have started introducing it last week
  • some tickets have already been voted on, estimated and added to the Tech Debt Next via new process
  • what happens if our Tech Debt Next grows too big?
    • prioritize by number of votes
    • first in first out?
    • this isn't a problem for now, as our tech debt next is only a few tickets big

Making shared Jenkinsfile

  • the topic came during code review
  • the changes to the Jenkinsfile had to be copied to all our services
  • have one Jenkinsfile for backend and one for UI
  • how does it affect independency of the microservices?

Action items

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software