Tanzania VAN

Tanzania VAN

Project Name: Tanzania VAN

Organization: JSI, PATH, CHAI, VR

Date: Late 2015

Project Description:The VAN approach in Tanzania will aim to enhance data visibility, analysis and action for the immunization supply chain by integrating VAN principles and process improvement into existing team structures at national, regional and district levels in Tanzania. The primary purpose of this approach will be to support a transition towards stronger data visibility, and a team culture to use that data derived from the electronic logistics management information system (eLMIS) and vaccine information management system (VIMS) — which is currently under development but is expected to be deployed nationally by mid-2016. The VAN approach will build capacity in people at each level, define processes for routine data analysis and action (quality improvement), and refine technology (VAN dashboards) to ensure that the correct data is selected and displayed at each level to enable effective analysis and appropriate action. VAN Tanzania will work with existing structures at the three 

Business Case

What Country or Customer is Requesting this Project/Feature Set? What is the Market Demand?

Tanzania IVD, MoH, MSD, and other stakeholders are requesting VAN to gain greater visibility to data.


With VIMS, the need and rationale for greater data visibility to larger stakeholders became apparent. Decision makers wants analytics that glean out the intelligence and trend from collected transactional data. They want to be able to monitor program performance, to take corrective actions, to be able to plan for future with appropriate projections from historical data.

What is the benefit of this project/feature to the OpenLMIS product?

OpenLMIS will have the option to benefit from Tanzania VAN. Some additional software development in the form of analytics and graphs made available through dashboard are expected to be added on top of VIMS. OpenLMIS will have the option to leverage these additional software code added to VIMS.
OpenLMIS will have the option to add value through genericizing the feature for additional country implementations. 

Project Plan

What date must this project/feature set be available?

No specific date is being set. The project funding is requested to start from mid-to-late 2016

Has a high-level requirements document been created?

A white paper was developed as part of Gates Foundation's VAN project

Who will perform the software development?

All partners (JSI, PATH, CHAI and VR) are expected to contribute to the software development, just like the VIMS project

Will the code that is created be contributed back to the OpenLMIS Community via the GPL Aphero 3.0 license? Are there any IP barriers to making the code available under this license?


No IP barrier is know at this time.

Are there any other materials, such as a concept note or requirements, that can be shared with the product committee to support their review of this project?

The VAN whitepaper was developed jointly with the partners. Each partner already have a copy of the whitepaper


Estimated project budget:


Does the project/feature set have committed funding? If yes, who? If no, who are the target funders?

No commitment yet


Does this project feature have dependencies on any other product backlog items or projects?

VAN's dependency is depicted below:


One component is dependent on the prior component

Are there related projects that are proposed or in-progress that could be coordinated with this project to provide maximal benefit? If yes, what is your plan for coordinating with these projects?

OpenLMIS product committee will be kept abreast of any noteworthy development of Tanzania VAN




Committee Feedback & Questions



Product Committee Review


Product Committee Review

Is the form complete?

Is the project/feature set within the domain space of LMIS?

Will the proposed feature add value to the OpenLMIS global product?

What alignment is needed with other ongoing software development efforts?

What are the risks to this project contributing to OpenLMIS global product?

Has this project been added to the OpenLMIS Roadmap?

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