August 21, 2018

August 21, 2018

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 


  • 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
  • 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen
  • 5:00 PM EAT - Dar

Call Details

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/377281719

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +19294362866,,377281719# or +16699006833,,377281719#

Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 377 281 719

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/byw2qkHOU

Action items for next call  

  • Wesley Brown to prepare information related to cost and LOE implications re: Discourse and share with the group
  • Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to solicit/collect more detailed documentation of current implementations (example: Angola)
  • Core team funding runway: Carl Leitner to connect Mark, Kaleb and Lindabeth Doby

Action Items from July Governance

  • Tenly Snow (Deactivated) send welcome email to SoftWorks including onboarding information 
  • Tenly Snow (Deactivated) post short blog and social media announcement about SoftWorks partnership 
  • Carl Leitner and Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to have a welcome call with Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed)
  • GC to review Sustainability workstream criteria by Aug 3 (or earlier)

  • GC review concept notes for Sustainability workstream against criteria by Aug 10 

  • Sustainability workstream: Britany to setup special meeting to review feedback during week of Aug 10 in advance of Aug 17 GC call





Chat Captures

Introductions and call opening

Carl Leitner

Intros: Rebecca Alban (interim Community Manager); others on the call

Reminder of rotating nature of Chair of Governance Committee

New Trusted Partner considerations

Carl Leitner

Proposal for Trusted Partners

  • Observer status of the Governance Committee for new Trusted Partners (case in point - Softworks)
    • Any concerns over extending an observer status to the new Trusted Partners? No big concerns. Next step: Can invite Softworks to our next governance call as observer status
  • Trusted Partner logo/badge: to showcase an organization's affiliation with OpenLMIS Community
    • Will be a benefit for TPs that we will be able to refer to
    • OpenLMIS core team to work on developing an "OpenLMIS Trusted Partner" logo that partner organizations (SoftWorks, JSI, Ona, CHAI, etc. can share on their own websites)
      • Trademarking is likely necessary; raises questions over who would own the trademark 

There is agreement on this idea, so we will update the Trusted Partner Doc 

Sustainability updateBrandon Bowersox-Johnson

Vendor Selection

Voting members reviewed 4 proposals most ranked Resonance as their first choice, Lenati was second: 

Re: Resonance: what is their experience working with Open Source material? and do they understand the relevant business models? Timeframe was a concern-could some of the things be accelerated? They have a lot of private sector supply chain engagement, could incorporate new business models

Re: Lenati: Seem to have a bias toward commercialization–what would this do to our services for MoHs? Do they understand the context in which we are working re: donor environment? Their framework is good and the stepwise process they use

Next steps: We will reach out to both vendors with the above questions and ask them to respond by COB Monday. Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to schedule 30 minute meeting next Thursday for committee to vote. BBMGF contract with vendor to be finalized by late September, with the goal to begin work in early October

Core Funding Runway

  • Update on current Gap Project Spend
  • Summary of proposed Notice C ideas and options
  • Overview on the DIAL submission
  • Highlight the challenges/risks

Presentation: here

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

  • The above presentation provides a high-level funding overview of current and upcoming grants, spending, and risks/challenges
  • Mary Jo will continue to give these updates in subsequent meetings
  • We should highlight these funding-related risks and challenges to Resonance and Lenati as we move forward in our conversations with them


  • Update on Gap integration work stream and plan

Josh Zamor

Is there a request for an in-depth conversation?

Request for Vote will be sent out after the meeting via Google Forms

Google group discussion

Next Step- Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to set up a meeting next week to allow folks to discuss priorities and vote; If anyone cannot attend this meeting and would like to vote, please indicate this to Rebecca so that we ensure all voices are heard

Conferences and Meetings

Conferences provide the community the opportunity for OpenLMIS members to speak or represent the OpenLMIS software and community in public forum.




  • OpenLMIS Community Meeting - Canceled. 

Proposed ideas in the google group conversation. Please provide your thoughts/feedback.

Cultivating Open Source Community

Moving Forum Discussion to Discourse

Michael Downey from DIAL

Wesley Brown

Discussion and Decision

Michael has accepted an invitation to share from his experience about how to cultivate open source communities. This came out of the suggestion to move from Google Groups to Discourse but does not need to be limited to that topic. If you have questions about how we can continue to grow a health open source community, Michael is a great person to ask.

Regarding Discourse: Are we in agreement to look at options for a shift to Discourse?

Highlight the current gaps:

  • Google Groups:
    • Does not fill the gap between real time communication (Slack) and email.
    • Ends up being another funnel into our inboxes
    • Lacks advanced forum features like categories, user/community management, user individualization/progression, etc

Proposal for Discourse (based on feedback from Craig):

  1. Discourse would be the main entry point into the OpenLMIS community for new members
  2. The system should require an account but one that can be freely made by the user. User categorization can be used to denote users with more experience within the community (see OpenMRS Developer Stages)
  3. I think that Discourse would incorporate:
    1. Google Groups discussions
    2. Public project-related email
    3. Some of what currently goes into Slack
    4. Some the discussions currently occurring within the wiki

If yes, Highlight Options for implementations and LOE/cost implications

Next Steps; members review the notes and be prepared to make a decision about Discourse at next governance meeting. Wes to prepare information related to LOE and cost implications 

Opportunities Roundtable

Definitions to use shared terminology:

  • Implementation opportunity: an opportunity for an implementation or deployment of the OpenLMIS software.  Usually this is done at a national or sub-national level within a ministry of health. This can also include feature work which would be done within the implementation and contributed back to the global codebase.
  • Community opportunity: a funding opportunity to support an organization or individual to work directly on the global codebase and/or administrate the community processes. This may include funding specific features on the community roadmap.

Community funding opportunities:

Country Implementation Opportunities Updates:

  • CHAI Cameroon proposal: working with Village Reach and will move forward with a proposal next month.
  • Angola
  • Benin- have requested a demo environment so that they can showcase features to stakeholders. If an implementation opportunity arises, we will notify trusted partners. Scope and funding availability is still unclear
  • Mozambique
  • Cote d' Ivoire- Community is making a presentation/demo to the MoH TWG tomorrow. JSI, Softworks and VR have expressed varying levels of interest and have requested an RFP from the MoH to clarify the scope

Updates from the Community to share?

  • Ona
  • JSI
  • CHAI
  • VR


Community and Product Updates
Product Updates
Community Updates

Community Meeting


Mattias Wiklund (Unlicensed)Brandon Bowersox-JohnsonLindabeth DobyAshrafCarl LeitnerFormer user (Deleted)Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed)Edward WilsonMatt Berg (Unlicensed)Kaleb Brownlow (Unlicensed)Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)Wesley BrownCraig Appl (Unlicensed)Josh Zamor



OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software