3.5 Scope Planning




  • Architecture Epics
    • Critical 
      • OLMIS-4658 - Getting issue details... STATUS  May not be ready to work on, need to get some real data and not sure if/when that will come
      • OLMIS-4566 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Mostly finished, some of remaining tickets are more wishlist kind of things and may never be done
        • Might want to demo/train this with the teams
      • OLMIS-4565 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Lots of work that could be done from this epic
      • OLMIS-4115 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Done! Just needs some more documentation
    • Major
      • OLMIS-4568 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Nice to have, not critical
      • OLMIS-4567 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Might be some relatively easy work (at least some of the tasks) and potentially quite useful
  • Feature Epics
    • OLMIS-3804 - Getting issue details... STATUS  May be more helpful for support, not as much for end-user. Likely a large epic, may not have time along with other work.
    • OLMIS-3147 - Getting issue details... STATUS  One of a few tickets related to consolidation of notifications. May provide good end-user value

Action Items

  • Sebastian Brudziński Evaluate Versioning/Edit Orderables LoE (~4 weeks)
  • Sebastian Brudziński Discuss with Malawi regarding consolidation of notifications, LoE (~2 weeks, just for the last AC that MW is most interested in)

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