OpenLMIS - OpenSRP Metadata Alignment
OpenLMIS - OpenSRP Metadata Alignment
This page documents the process of aligning metadata between OpenLMIS and OpenSRP for the integration. Apache Nifi is responsible for managing the integration.
The integration assumes a one-to-one match of facilities between OpenLMIS and OpenSRP. Facilities in OpenSRP are created in OpenMRS and the geographic hierarchies need to be similar.
Programs, Commodity Types, Trade Items
Demo Configuration
- Added Facility Types to OpenMRS
- Warehouse
- Health Center
- District Hospital
- District Store
- Provincial Store
- Added Facility Attribute Types to OpenMRS
- OpenLMIS Facility Code
- Loaded the following facilities to OpenMRS (Note: OpenMRS can't represent multiple hierarchies, such as supervisory nodes.)
- Mozambique
- Niassa Province
- Cuamba District
- Cuamba, Cuamba
- Lurio, Cuamba
- Depósito Distrital Cuamba
- Cuamba District
- Niassa Province
- Mozambique
- Relaxed password constraints
- security.passwordRequiresDigit = false
- security.passwordRequiresUpperAndLowerCase = false
- Changed the scheduler username and password to something random
- scheduler.username = sched
- Created the following users on OpenMRS
- vnurse1 (also added as a provider) for Lurio, Cuamba
- sched
- Added a lurioCuamba team in OpenMRS
What needs to be changed for Tuesday's demo
- Update Programs: /rest/programs
[ { "id": "identifier", "serverVersion": 15298568229590772, "code": { "code": "code" }, "name": "program_name", "description": "program_description", "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "skipAuthorization": true, "showNonFullSupplyTab": false, "enableDatePhysicalStockCountCompleted": true }, { "id": "identifier_1", "serverVersion": 15298568236985724, "code": { "code": "code_1" }, "name": "program_name_1", "description": "program_description_1", "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "skipAuthorization": true, "showNonFullSupplyTab": true, "enableDatePhysicalStockCountCompleted": true }, { "id": "identifier_2", "serverVersion": 15298568243266880, "code": { "code": "code_2" }, "name": "program_name_2", "description": "program_description_2", "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "skipAuthorization": true, "showNonFullSupplyTab": false, "enableDatePhysicalStockCountCompleted": false } ]
Should be :
[ { "id" : "dce17f2e-af3e-40ad-8e00-3496adef44c3", "code" : {"code":"PRG001"}, "name" : "Family Planning", "description" : null, "active" : true, "periodsSkippable" : true, "skipAuthorization" : false, "showNonFullSupplyTab" : true, "enableDatePhysicalStockCountCompleted" : false }, { "id" : "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "code" : {"code":"PRG002"}, "name" : "Essential Meds", "description" : null, "active" : true, "periodsSkippable" : false, "skipAuthorization" : false, "showNonFullSupplyTab" : null, "enableDatePhysicalStockCountCompleted" : false }, { "id" : "66032ea8-b69b-4102-a1eb-844e57143187", "code" : {"code":"PRG003"}, "name" : "New Program", "description" : null, "active" : true, "periodsSkippable" : false, "skipAuthorization" : false, "showNonFullSupplyTab" : false, "enableDatePhysicalStockCountCompleted" : false }, { "id" : "418bdc1d-c303-4bd0-b2d3-d8901150a983", "code" : {"code":"PRG004"}, "name" : "EPI", "description" : null, "active" : true, "periodsSkippable" : false, "skipAuthorization" : true, "showNonFullSupplyTab" : false, "enableDatePhysicalStockCountCompleted" : false } ]
Note that the program we want to demo is PRG004 EPI program because that's the one that deals with vaccines.
- Trade Items: /rest/trade-items
[ { "id": "identifier_1", "serverVersion": 15226021935663796, "gtin": { "gtin": "859245888" }, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "manufactuter_1", "classifications": [ { "id": "identifier_1", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "classification_system", "classificationId": "classification_id" }, { "id": "identifier_2", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "classification_system", "classificationId": "classification_id" } ] }, { "id": "identifier_2", "serverVersion": 15226022113421136, "gtin": { "gtin": "859245888" }, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "manufactuter_2", "classifications": [ { "id": "identifier_1", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "classification_system", "classificationId": "classification_id" }, { "id": "identifier_2", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "classification_system", "classificationId": "classification_id" } ] }, { "id": "identifier_3", "serverVersion": 15226022123072718, "gtin": { "gtin": "859245888" }, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "manufactuter_3", "classifications": [ { "id": "identifier_1", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "classification_system", "classificationId": "classification_id" }, { "id": "identifier_2", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "classification_system", "classificationId": "classification_id" } ] } ]
Should Be:
[ { "id": "4e59b2cb-c9fb-4103-9ac7-f087cec868c5", "serverVersion": 15226021935663796, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Intervax Ltd", "classifications": [ { "id": "18357eb2-ba67-4161-b060-6d3fb87b9d64", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201647" } ] }, { "id": "148f2a3d-7367-4f38-92fb-d417a6356bf0", "serverVersion": 15226022113421136, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "GlaxoSmithKline", "classifications": [ { "id": "ecb1075e-cba5-4d4b-a3ac-54217fef9b57", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201616" } ] }, { "id": "86729b2d-bd34-4d69-8e3f-d2029660f90e", "serverVersion": 15226022123072718, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Serum Institute of India", "classifications": [ { "id": "b522edb9-0c7c-4a0a-9b7e-59947cc711f3", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201634" } ] } ]
- Commodity Types: /rest/commodity-types
[ { "id": "identifier", "serverVersion": 15298566925423978, "name": "commodity_name", "parent": { "id": "parent_id", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null }, "classificationSystem": "classification_system", "classificationId": "classification_id", "parentId": "parent_id", "children": [ { "id": "child_1", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null }, { "id": "child_2", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null } ], "tradeItems": [ { "id": "trade_item_1", "serverVersion": 0, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": null, "classifications": null }, { "id": "trade_item_2", "serverVersion": 0, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": null, "classifications": null } ] }, { "id": "identifier_1", "serverVersion": 15298566942128028, "name": "commodity_name_1", "parent": { "id": "parent_id", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null }, "classificationSystem": "classification_system_1", "classificationId": "classification_id_1", "parentId": "parent_id_1", "children": [ { "id": "child_1", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null }, { "id": "child_2", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null } ], "tradeItems": [ { "id": "trade_item_1", "serverVersion": 0, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": null, "classifications": null }, { "id": "trade_item_2", "serverVersion": 0, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": null, "classifications": null } ] }, { "id": "identifier_2", "serverVersion": 15298566950645074, "name": "commodity_name_2", "parent": { "id": "parent_id", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null }, "classificationSystem": "classification_system_2", "classificationId": "classification_id_2", "parentId": "parent_id_2", "children": [ { "id": "child_1", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null }, { "id": "child_2", "serverVersion": 0, "name": null, "parent": null, "classificationSystem": null, "classificationId": null, "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": null } ], "tradeItems": [ { "id": "trade_item_1", "serverVersion": 0, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": null, "classifications": null }, { "id": "trade_item_2", "serverVersion": 0, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": null, "classifications": null } ] } ]
Should Be:
[ { "id": "99ccf663-3304-44ae-b2e0-a67fd5511e2a", "serverVersion": 15298566925423978, "name": "BCG", "parent": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201647", "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": [ { "id": "4e59b2cb-c9fb-4103-9ac7-f087cec868c5", "serverVersion": 15226021935663796, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Intervax Ltd", "classifications": [ { "id": "18357eb2-ba67-4161-b060-6d3fb87b9d64", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201647" } ] }, { "id": "148f2a3d-7367-4f38-92fb-d417a6356bf0", "serverVersion": 15226022113421136, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "GlaxoSmithKline", "classifications": [ { "id": "ecb1075e-cba5-4d4b-a3ac-54217fef9b57", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201616" } ] } ] }, { "id": "c46c3872-3f64-417f-9d03-235eaa100858", "serverVersion": 15298566942128028, "name": "Polio", "parent": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201616", "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": [ { "id": "4e59b2cb-c9fb-4103-9ac7-f087cec868c5", "serverVersion": 15226021935663796, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Intervax Ltd", "classifications": [ { "id": "18357eb2-ba67-4161-b060-6d3fb87b9d64", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201647" } ] }, { "id": "148f2a3d-7367-4f38-92fb-d417a6356bf0", "serverVersion": 15226022113421136, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "GlaxoSmithKline", "classifications": [ { "id": "ecb1075e-cba5-4d4b-a3ac-54217fef9b57", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201616" } ] } ] }, { "id": "43a1cd06-42f1-4e7c-b8ed-594416985381", "serverVersion": 15298566950645074, "name": "Pentavalent", "parent": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201634", "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": [ { "id": "4e59b2cb-c9fb-4103-9ac7-f087cec868c5", "serverVersion": 15226021935663796, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Intervax Ltd", "classifications": [ { "id": "18357eb2-ba67-4161-b060-6d3fb87b9d64", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201647" } ] }, { "id": "148f2a3d-7367-4f38-92fb-d417a6356bf0", "serverVersion": 15226022113421136, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "GlaxoSmithKline", "classifications": [ { "id": "ecb1075e-cba5-4d4b-a3ac-54217fef9b57", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201616" } ] } ] }, { "id": "d81a1eaa-05fe-47ab-ac4c-a79aca8f926b", "serverVersion": 15298566925423978, "name": "PCV", "parent": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201615", "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": [ { "id": "86729b2d-bd34-4d69-8e3f-d2029660f90e", "serverVersion": 15226022123072718, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Serum Institute of India", "classifications": [ { "id": "b522edb9-0c7c-4a0a-9b7e-59947cc711f3", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201634" } ] } ] }, { "id": "08561b98-2f90-4c4a-a1e3-f180a83abd66", "serverVersion": 15298566942128028, "name": "Rotavirus", "parent": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201618", "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": [ { "id": "86729b2d-bd34-4d69-8e3f-d2029660f90e", "serverVersion": 15226022123072718, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Serum Institute of India", "classifications": [ { "id": "b522edb9-0c7c-4a0a-9b7e-59947cc711f3", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201634" } ] }, { "id": "4e59b2cb-c9fb-4103-9ac7-f087cec868c5", "serverVersion": 15226021935663796, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Intervax Ltd", "classifications": [ { "id": "18357eb2-ba67-4161-b060-6d3fb87b9d64", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201647" } ] } ] }, { "id": "3de6338c-e303-4650-8744-ceac8009bba1", "serverVersion": 15298566950645074, "name": "Measles", "parent": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201609", "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": [ { "id": "4e59b2cb-c9fb-4103-9ac7-f087cec868c5", "serverVersion": 15226021935663796, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Intervax Ltd", "classifications": [ { "id": "18357eb2-ba67-4161-b060-6d3fb87b9d64", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201647" } ] }, { "id": "148f2a3d-7367-4f38-92fb-d417a6356bf0", "serverVersion": 15226022113421136, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "GlaxoSmithKline", "classifications": [ { "id": "ecb1075e-cba5-4d4b-a3ac-54217fef9b57", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201616" } ] } ] }, { "id": "ac5e9d62-dc0a-4a0e-bead-e66a2eb81b07", "serverVersion": 15298566925423978, "name": "Tetanus", "parent": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201621", "parentId": null, "children": null, "tradeItems": [ { "id": "4e59b2cb-c9fb-4103-9ac7-f087cec868c5", "serverVersion": 15226021935663796, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "Intervax Ltd", "classifications": [ { "id": "18357eb2-ba67-4161-b060-6d3fb87b9d64", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201647" } ] }, { "id": "148f2a3d-7367-4f38-92fb-d417a6356bf0", "serverVersion": 15226022113421136, "gtin": null, "manufacturerOfTradeItem": "GlaxoSmithKline", "classifications": [ { "id": "ecb1075e-cba5-4d4b-a3ac-54217fef9b57", "serverVersion": 0, "tradeItem": null, "classificationSystem": "UNSPSC", "classificationId": "51201616" } ] } ] } ]
CRAIG COULDN'T GET THIS COMPLETED SO HERE IS AN EXPORT FROM THE ORDERABLES API ENDPOINT FOR THE EPI PROGRAM{ "content" : [ { "productCode" : "SNF-IPV-5-1234", "dispensable" : { "sizeCode" : "5 dose", "routeOfAdministration" : "injection", "displayUnit" : "5 dose,injection" }, "fullProductName" : "IPOL (5 dose)", "netContent" : 5, "packRoundingThreshold" : 1, "roundToZero" : true, "programs" : [ { "programId" : "418bdc1d-c303-4bd0-b2d3-d8901150a983", "orderableDisplayCategoryId" : "16173fd0-f439-4222-931e-91c413a495c3", "orderableCategoryDisplayName" : "Vaccines", "orderableCategoryDisplayOrder" : 5, "active" : true, "fullSupply" : true, "displayOrder" : 5, "dosesPerPatient" : 1, "pricePerPack" : 13.00 } ], "identifiers" : { "tradeItem" : "a2a5c615-10ea-4b16-8b18-8ab77a8fa834" }, "extraData" : { "useVVM" : "true" }, "id" : "0a83fb92-289b-45c9-adba-f2ac7647312e" }, { "productCode" : "GSK-POLIO-20-1234", "dispensable" : { "sizeCode" : "20 dose", "routeOfAdministration" : "oral drop", "displayUnit" : "20 dose,oral drop" }, "fullProductName" : "GlaxoSmithKline Polio (20 dose)", "netContent" : 20, "packRoundingThreshold" : 1, "roundToZero" : true, "programs" : [ { "programId" : "418bdc1d-c303-4bd0-b2d3-d8901150a983", "orderableDisplayCategoryId" : "16173fd0-f439-4222-931e-91c413a495c3", "orderableCategoryDisplayName" : "Vaccines", "orderableCategoryDisplayOrder" : 5, "active" : true, "fullSupply" : true, "displayOrder" : 5, "dosesPerPatient" : 1, "pricePerPack" : 5.00 } ], "identifiers" : { "tradeItem" : "148f2a3d-7367-4f38-92fb-d417a6356bf0" }, "extraData" : { "useVVM" : "true" }, "id" : "8f5e5923-e192-40b1-bf9e-3b4444579e05" }, { "productCode" : "SII-PENTA-1-1234", "dispensable" : { "sizeCode" : "1 dose", "routeOfAdministration" : "injection", "displayUnit" : "1 dose,injection" }, "fullProductName" : "Pentavac PFS (1 dose)", "netContent" : 1, "packRoundingThreshold" : 1, "roundToZero" : true, "programs" : [ { "programId" : "418bdc1d-c303-4bd0-b2d3-d8901150a983", "orderableDisplayCategoryId" : "16173fd0-f439-4222-931e-91c413a495c3", "orderableCategoryDisplayName" : "Vaccines", "orderableCategoryDisplayOrder" : 5, "active" : true, "fullSupply" : true, "displayOrder" : 5, "dosesPerPatient" : 1, "pricePerPack" : 2.00 } ], "identifiers" : { "tradeItem" : "86729b2d-bd34-4d69-8e3f-d2029660f90e" }, "extraData" : { "useVVM" : "true" }, "id" : "b0c0426e-6840-4531-a116-043ba854c58b" }, { "productCode" : "SII-PENTA-10-1234", "dispensable" : { "sizeCode" : "10 dose", "routeOfAdministration" : "injection", "displayUnit" : "10 dose,injection" }, "fullProductName" : "Pentavac PFS (10 dose)", "netContent" : 10, "packRoundingThreshold" : 1, "roundToZero" : true, "programs" : [ { "programId" : "418bdc1d-c303-4bd0-b2d3-d8901150a983", "orderableDisplayCategoryId" : "16173fd0-f439-4222-931e-91c413a495c3", "orderableCategoryDisplayName" : "Vaccines", "orderableCategoryDisplayOrder" : 5, "active" : true, "fullSupply" : true, "displayOrder" : 5, "dosesPerPatient" : 1, "pricePerPack" : 3.13 } ], "identifiers" : { "tradeItem" : "8e2b74e5-40c7-4031-9594-a84a60d83b54" }, "extraData" : { "useVVM" : "true" }, "id" : "a852f785-d82e-4afe-bc6a-04f3236caf90" }, { "productCode" : "GSK-PCV10-2-1234", "dispensable" : { "sizeCode" : "2 dose", "routeOfAdministration" : "injection", "displayUnit" : "2 dose,injection" }, "fullProductName" : "Synflorix PCV10 (2 dose)", "netContent" : 2, "packRoundingThreshold" : 1, "roundToZero" : true, "programs" : [ { "programId" : "418bdc1d-c303-4bd0-b2d3-d8901150a983", "orderableDisplayCategoryId" : "16173fd0-f439-4222-931e-91c413a495c3", "orderableCategoryDisplayName" : "Vaccines", "orderableCategoryDisplayOrder" : 5, "active" : true, "fullSupply" : true, "displayOrder" : 5, "dosesPerPatient" : 1, "pricePerPack" : 4.60 } ], "identifiers" : { "tradeItem" : "3f5ce3dd-ad65-46a8-bc5c-7228fbf9dbda" }, "extraData" : { "useVVM" : "true" }, "id" : "b75a88c7-70fa-4bab-9785-3dd980a5ffc3" }, { "productCode" : "MRK-ROTA-1-1234", 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- ProgramOrderables
OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software