2018-09-05 Meeting notes

2018-09-05 Meeting notes


7am PST / 4pm CET




  • Items from last call?
  • Orderable versioning
  • FHIR Update
  • Release process / feature flags

Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item reviewJosh

UI v7 architectureNikodem
  • Discussion and followup

FHIR Update
  • Maybe find another time - ensure we're reaching consensus

Orderable versioningChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)

(next call) Feature flags

(next call) DHIS2 followup on how

(next call) Orderable versioning - how it was implemented


UI Arch

  • Overall feeling that we'd like to revisit the architecture document and focus on more targeted areas.  e.g. we'd like to ensure we have a good pattern for UI caching, and we're less sold on doing away with Angular's dependency injection for example.
  • Want to be sure that if a someone writes something new, or refactors existing code, they know in which direction we're trying to move.  i.e. what the exemplars are.


Orderable versioning

Action items

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software