Implementation Opportunities

Implementation Opportunities

What is an Implementation Opportunity?

Definition: an opportunity for an implementation or deployment of the OpenLMIS software.  Usually this is done at a national or sub-national level within a ministry of health. This can also include feature work which would be done within the implementation and contributed back to the global codebase.

What stakeholders are involved with an Implementation Opportunity?

External Stakeholders

Interested party refer to an individual who is requesting information about OpenLMIS. Interested parties may or may not be associated with a Prospective Implementation.

Prospective Implementation refers to a specific implementation and could mean a country, a program within a country, or an organization (for example an NGO, a global health organization, etc.) There will usually be many individuals associated with a Prospective Implementation.  Ideally we give unique names to each prospective implementation. For example, “Malawi EPI Implementation.”

  • Point of Contact: The main point of contact with the prospective implementation. This individual, or individuals, may come from one of several organizations (ex. MOH, in-country implementing partner, funding partner, etc.)
  • Decision Maker: The individual, or entity (may be a steering committee), who is responsible for making the decision on which electronic system is used in the Prospective Implementation
  • Financing Representative: A representative from the identified funding source for the implementation. There may be more than one.
Internal Stakeholders

OpenLMIS Community refers to Trusted Partners, donors, the OpenLMIS core team, and any individual contributing to the community.

  • Donors refers to the organizations, or individuals within those organizations, that donate financial resources to the OpenLMIS community.
  • Trusted Partners refers to the organizations who have been approved by the Governance Committee to join the community and who are considered organizations that can support a deployment of OpenLMIS (link to Trusted Partner Document).
  • OpenLMIS core team refers to the stewards of the OpenLMIS community (Community Manager, Product Manager, Architect, and Technical Manager).
  • Individual contributors refers to individuals that contribute to the community through code contributions, documentation contributions, or by participation in committee meetings. Contributors can either be volunteer or paid.

What is the engagement pipeline?

From the perspective of the Interested Party or Prospective Implementation, are they in which stage of understanding to selecting OpenLMIS as their application of choice?

Building AwarenessExpressing InterestConsideringEvaluatingCommittedImplementing

Refers to an interested party that has requested information on OpenLMIS. He/she is seeking to build awareness and understand the functionality available. Individuals in this stage are usually not associated with a specific Prospective Implementation

Refers to an interested party that has reviewed initial materials and is looking for a customized demo or a conversation on specific features. Interested party doesn’t have a strong sense of requirements and is looking at a wide range of LMIS solutions. Ideally the scope of a Prospective Implementation is becoming clearer (e.g. EPI program for South Africa).Refers to a clear Prospective Implementation, that decision making individuals have had a customized demo or a conversation on specific features. They are evaluating at a small pool of LMIS electronic solutions and have a semi decent level of understanding the desired scope and requirements.Refers to a Prospective Implementation that has released an RFP or is requesting specific information (RFI) for costs and plans for an implementation. There are funds identified for the implementation.Contract has been signed with a Trusted PartnerOpenLMIS is deployed and being used by users.
Main point of contactOpenLMIS Community ManagerOpenLMIS Community ManagerTransition from OpenLMIS Community Manager to Representative from the Trusted PartnerRepresentative from the Trusted Partner. TP updates the community on statusTP Contracting PartnerTP Implementing Partner
OpenLMIS Community Support

From the Community Manager:

  • Provide links to resources (feature list, implementer toolkit, etc.)
  • Share videos
  • Share login credentials of demo-v3

The Community Manager usually facilities but support can come from any community member.

  • One-on-one demo tailored to needs of the Prospective Implementation (no configuration, but just highlighting specific features)
  • Presentation on key features available in OpenLMIS

From the Trusted Partner:

  • Presentation on how the TP can support a deployment (est. LOE and high level plan)
  • Evaluate the Prospective Implementations requirements vs OpenLMIS features

From the Community Manager:

  • Broadcast the opportunity to TPs and ensure hand off to TP for business development
  • Links to demo resources (either using v3 or setting up a specific sandbox for TP to leverage)
  • Talking points
  • Past presentations
  • Implementer toolkit

From the Trusted Partner:

  • Provide a proposal with detailed cost estimates and project plan for implementation

From the Community Manager:

  • Review the draft proposal authored by the Trusted Partner if desired and available resources
  • Respond to feature requests through the product committee
  • Respond to the dev forum posts
  • Respond to questions on #help in Slack

Updates on upcoming roadmap.

Updates on releases.

What are the current prospective OpenLMIS implementations?

Each Prospective Implementation "card" below contains the following information



  • Programs: List out the potential programs
  • Level: Facility, District, National
  • Donor / Funded by: List donors
  • Point of Contact: Insert the person who is our main point of contact
  • Implemented by: TRUSTED PARTNER 

Another visualization we are considering


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