2018-09-19 TC Meeting notes

2018-09-19 TC Meeting notes


7am PST / 4pm CET




  • Items from last call?
  • Orderable versioning
  • Build failures
  • Discouse

Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item reviewJosh

What can we do to limit the number of failures reported on #build?Sebastian Brudziński
  • A single commit triggers various builds (build + ERD + contract tests + Sonar + deploy + ...)
  • Devs usually don't check whether all the steps are passing (like contract tests or Sonar) - why? Probably too time consuming...
  • Are we concerned with the amount of failures we are seeing at #build?
  • Anything we can improve?
    • Stop forwarding some failures to #build?
    • Only notify Slack if build was not fixed after 12h? 24h? (LoE?)

Discourse discussionWesley Brown
(next time)Orderable versioningChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
  • Continue the show and tell on the how
(next time)Feature flagsJosh Zamor and Sebastian Brudziński and Mateusz Kwiatkowski
  • Do we think this is mature yet?  Can it be used to make quick, unplanned, releases of a service?  Do we all understand it?
(next time)Followup on audit log initializer
  • We completed  OLMIS-3078 - Getting issue details... STATUS which will help production data sets, however for demo data we would still iterate over all the demo data records on the first start as they don't have snapshots yet.  Is a slow startup still / more an issue?  With the increased size of the demo data that we're adding, and thoughts to have millions of records, do we think we have an issue?
(next time)DHIS2 followup on how


Build Channel Failures

  • Not in dev env:  e.g. sonar coverage in IDE
  • A few ideas:
    • Notify slack only after some time (end of day, 12h, 24h, etc...)
    • Stop forwarding some notifications to #build - notify a single developer, create channels for each service?
    • Can we shift left: 
      • migration tests OLMIS-4343 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • performance tests
    • A Test that should almost never fail:  ERD, contract test
    • Team city
      • can send up local changes, bypassing vcs, to be built and tested


Action Items

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